W5R2 in the bag, but should I worry about my k... - Couch to 5K

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W5R2 in the bag, but should I worry about my knee?

8 Replies

I think I can safely say that I have never, never, never, never run for 8 minutes without a break in my entire 58 years on this planet...let alone finished feeling comfortable and barely out of breath...before today!

Only people on this site will appreciate how this feels and seeing the bright blue sky over the frosty fields of Wormwood Scrubs Common just made me feel on top of the world.

I am so stoked. Bring on Week 5 Run 3.

Slight worry though. I am a bit bothered by my right knee. It isn't exactly painful but it is definitely grumbling. I am wearing a sort of stretchy tubular support around it which may or may not be helping, can't really tell. Any advice?

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8 Replies
Tomas profile image

Congratulations! That's a huge achievement!!

Some people find support helps, others not so much. I think it's difficult to give generalised advise about it.

It's probably not the advice you want to hear, but if you're concerned about your knee, then the best thing you can do is give it a few days' extra rest.

in reply to Tomas

So...that gives me permission to defer the dreaded W5R3 until Saturday then...

Well done ! It's great sense of achievement ! I bet despite your grumbling knee you'll be grinning all day !

I get occasional niggles while running which seem to disappear as fast as they came. As other post says perhaps give it a rest , but if you do decide to run and body seems to be telling you not to then there is no problem putting it off so your fighting fit for the run a few days later .

As others say there is no rush and if need be repeat a week.

Anyway it's not surprising for your first running for years your body parts are going to grumble. I'm 60 and started C25K about March/April. Now running 6K+ about 40 minutes and increasing. My legs and knees ache a bit but nothing as bad as first few weeks of the 9 week programme. After a day break before next run everything back to normal. Not normal I am actually fitter and have increased stamina.

Stick with it. Best thing I've done. I used to think I was reasonably fit because I cycled regularly to work, still do but only work part time now. Even so I couldn't run for a bus. Now I could if at my old Job beat the bus home ! especially in our rush hour.

Keep us all posted on your progress.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Sarah, well done on Wk5 R2..and yes you are ready for the next one. But maybe not with a knee niggle...

Looking back on your posts you mention getting new running shoes and that you feel 'flat-footed'. Did you do anything about this. My hubby is flat footed and did need a running shoe to correct this (over pronation) as he started getting knee pain at about week 4. If you are placing extra strain on your knee because of your running gait you may need shoes to correct this. Going to a good running shop for this is the best idea, and don't worry or be shy they are runners themselves usually and want to help. They have a treadmill that you pop up on and they film your footfall and leg motion. They will recommend which type of running shoe will be best for you. No pressure to buy, and ask for last seasons model if you want a bargain. I think its recommended to go half a shoe size bigger in a running shoe.

Hope this helps.😊xx

If you have already sorted this then maybe just an extra rest day or so will be enough.

Let us know how it goes.

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Brilliant advice above. Dont run with iffy knees, they will just get worse. Check your shoes and take extra rest days as indicated by your body. Happy running 😀👍🏼

Lee337 profile image

Well done Hidden :)

I've also had the odd 'grumble' from various bones/joints since starting out on C25K, but as I wasn't in 'proper' constant pain I continued to run, but only very cautiously. I have not been trying to overdo things, so I think if you take it very easy you should be ok. If however, you get a constant pain that is not bearable then seek advice from your gp before continuing to run.

All the very best with the 'big' W5R3! ;)

melly4012 profile image

Sounds like a great run and you deserve to feel proud! I agree with the other advice, give it an extra day or two rest and see how it feels. It's not worth risking an injury when you're feeling so great about your running. :)

Simmypie profile image

My right knee used to ache a couple of hours after running, I had to take a couple of weeks off. It was like an ache around the kneecap, not painful. I changed my shoes and started wearing knee supports and whether this helped or if it was my legs getting used to running.....

Are you stretching after the workout? A few people have suggested running cold water on the knee both before and after taking a hot shower.

You can also do the test to see if you have high arches or not, wet your feet and stand on some paper and then compare the imprint to results on the web.

Also, the good news is that in a few weeks you will look back and wonder why you ever worried about the twenty minute run. :-)

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