I can't do week 9 graduation run. Haven't made it past the half way stage on two occasions. Got a 5k event that I am being sponsored for and I keep breaking after 15 minutes even though I have done it twice before! Wanna scream!
Starting to panic!: I can't do week 9 graduation... - Couch to 5K
Starting to panic!
Cut yourself a bit of slack here Gaz, you can do it , you've done it twice before .
What is it that makes you stop do you think ? Are you in pain at all ? xxx
I'm not in pain just can't seem to catch my breath. Might be the colder air I'm honestly not sure. I need to do it so I can go into the Mo Run with confidence.
Slow down.... breathe.... don't panic. Just slow down, it really isn't a race...
Take it steady and complete the 5K... You are not being sponsored to do it in a specific time are you ?
As poppypug says.. you have done this twice. Just believe in yourself and go for it
I know. I'm going to go slow tomorrow and smash it.
Too much pressure Im thinking! Take one thing at a time. You CAN run for 30 mins, you have done it twice already. So go out there and do it again, we are waiting for a parrrrrty! 😀🏃🏻
Take it slow and steady. You are ready for this, you have done the hard work and the programme has prepared you. Now its time to graduate and get your shiny badge.
Do that first.
After that you can work on the 5k. Which you will do even if you need to slow slow slow down in parts! Come on GazJ2k , we know you have this! Remember you never run alone with this forum 👍🏼🏃🏻
Cheers Jacs. Decided I'm going to run a new route tomorrow as it may be in my head when I get to certain checkpoints - hoping this time tomorrow I'm partying!
Hey - you're fine. Just consciously slow down in the first half, even more as you get to the halfway mark. Pick an easy route, I have a special all downhill one for these occasions.
Don't worry about your race. Just keep it slow at the start because it's easy to go too fast in the excitement. And if you have to walk, that's fine! I often still do. You'll be great. Don't worry.
Like everyone says slow down to the slowest possible pace and pick an easy route. Then imagine how good you'll feel posting on here when you've done it. That thought was what kept me going and helped me beat the gremlins. And a change of route helped. Good luck for next time you can do it
Relax & remember running is at least 50% attitude! Your 2 practice runs will have helped you. Have you slowed down? I know I can run too fast to maintain the pace and finish the time maybe you are doing this even if unconsciously. If you end up with another practice run so be it but get out there after your rest day and see what happens. Happy running
See how slow you can go and keep it that slow. Find something else to think about or look at - diversion will help stop you getting tense so will help your breathing. And if you think colder air is affecting you check that what you are wearing is right for the temperature outside - I've found that makes a difference to me. You can do it!
You can do this Gaz, you've got it in you to complete this run , you've done it already
Find a new route and go for it . Tell yourself before you start that this time you are going to complete it, and NOTHING is going to stop you .
Good Luck , go out there and smash it ! xxx
Yeah I am in the right mindset now. I'm going to run along the beach tomorrow along the path and try and avoid any hills. I am doing this!
Relax, enjoy it and take off the pressure. Your brain is the biggest hurdle.
It's weird reading this, I have completed week 9 runs 1 & 2 but I have a complete block about doing my graduation run. I keep making excuses not to go out, I'm tired, it's windy, it's raining, it's Monday... I just can't face doing it and failing I think. I've never found any of the runs easy and I am ridiculously slow. I think I just don't feel as if I am good enough to graduate.
Von. Do it tomorrow. I am doing it and I won't stop until I see 30 mins has elapsed. Believe in yourself
Go for it! Just jump on those gremlins getting in the way. And wear a scarf or neck warmer to keep you cosy. We are all cheering you on.
Thank you Hilary, gremlins beaten into submission and I've done it! Still very slow but in the end I ran for 35 minutes so I could beat my elusive 4K barrier. Feeling very happy! Hope your run goes well Gaz! X