Panic: Hi I.m new here, I have just completed w... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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augustverne profile image
17 Replies

Hi I.m new here, I have just completed w5r2 and had a look at my next run - 20mins without a break when the longest I've gone with no break is 8mins, this cant be real, I've completed each one so far and have been real chuffed with myself but I don't stand a chance on this next one. Any advice, please help, i don't want to fail

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augustverne profile image
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17 Replies
Debochka profile image

Just give it a go and don’t beat yourself up if you need a break. Keep repeating it until you can do it all in one go, no shame in that. I’m coming up to that run and nervous about it but so many people on here are inspiring... grandmothers who never ran before have done it...ex name it I’ve seen so many achievements and that is what keeps me going and know that I can do it to. And you can!

SWRunjog profile image
SWRunjog in reply to Debochka

I did my 20 min run yesterday. I do treadmill as not ready to take outside yet! It's more a gentle jog...and like you I wondered how I make that leap from 8 mins to 20...last 3 minutes tough but I made it. Key is all the weeks before being properly skips. I feel a little sore but if you warm down properly it goes by 2nd day ready for next run. Finding your own pace is the hard bit...trusting your body is important because then you can just think about anything else except running...If I needed to I would repeat a run...and if I go over the week I don't worry as time thing can hold us all back...keep going.x

Will_ profile image

You know what, you’ll be able to do it! Keep the pace gentle and don’t over-think.

MelsieJay profile image

Don’t get anxious about it. This is fun don’t forget. I know it’s a huge leap and every person on here had that same reaction of

“No way!” and yet we did it. And so will you. If it takes a few goes what does that matter. You are still running not failing. 💕

So. Lots of hydration on the rest day, eat well sleep well all the usual. Don’t let the gremlins start when you wake up on runday, Just tell yourself you’re excited and can’t wait to give this next stage a go.

And go slow!! Feel the achievement!! Good luck. Can’t wait to hear how you get on x

Languid_Lil profile image
Languid_LilGraduate in reply to MelsieJay

Good advice! 😘

Equi-geek profile image

Hi - I'm sure you'll find this forum really helpful and fun as you progress. Almost everyone looks at that run and thinks 'no way!' - but you CAN do this if you have completed the previous runs. This run is all about the mentality and breaking the barriers we create for ourselves before we've even tried. It's also about understanding your 'gears'. The best advice is to go as slow as you can for the first 10 minutes at least. This means a shuffle! Landing softly, watching your breathing, and slowing down even more if you struggle to be able to speak a sentence. Forget what pace you've been doing until now. If you start out too quickly you may run out of steam and have to stop early - but that is still NOT a fail. Read more about that F-word in this forum. This is all about learning to run, and exploring your limits. If you have to stop - well done - you've still achieved a lot because you've found the limit that day, and you can learn from it. You really have nothing to fear so relax, keep hydrated today and gently moving on this repair-day, get some good tunes downloaded, and on that next run just put one foot in front of the other. You might even start to enjoy it!

cheeseheads profile image

I’m with ya. I just completed w5r2 today also. Just start out slow and have faith in the program and I’m sure we will get it done. And great job on today’s run

Jay66UK profile image

What they all said. Your body is ready for this run. Your brain probably isn’t. Listen to your body.

F4TMAN profile image

Sure you can do it. If you've completed the previous runs your body is ready. I'm convinced it's as much a mental challenge as a physical one....

J_slug profile image

Hi, I also just completed run 1 of week 5 and thought that two 8 minute runs on Saturday was daunting until I saw the single 20 minute run that follows!!! Had to come on to here and check to see if it was right and my app didn't have a bug! I feel ready to go >5 mins but the leap to 20 seems steep.

augustverne profile image

Thanks every one for all the support. You were right, the body was ready but the mind not, I did it easy, could have done another 5 mins. I'm ready for anything this app can throw at me now. If I can do it as a female 59yr in 2 weeks and 15st + any one can. If i could give anyone advice it would be not to cheat and look at whats coming, just do it.

GuitarDad profile image

Thank you for letting us know you did it! I've just done W5R1 at lunchtime and was quite worried about this one in 2 runs time. I will follow everyone's advice and go slow!!

Forestgrump profile image

It does feel like a massive leap I know I freaked out when Laura said “today you’ll be running 20 mins”

Take it slow slow and try and put in your mind it’s just 2 10 min runs . Plod on you can do it 👍.

J_slug profile image

Yes the 20 mins turned out to be a breeze. Unfortunately due to an incredibly busy week I've lapsed and not run for four days . back at out tomorrow.

MandiV profile image

Trust the force Luke! It’s got you this far!

UnfitNoMore profile image

Don’t give in... don’t think yourself out of it. You’ve come a long way... you’ve surprised yourself in these 5 weeks... allow yourself to be surprised again next time out.

Bigannie46 profile image

I just completed w5r3 this morning and like you I was dreading it but you’ll be amazed at how you’ll get through it - you just keep going don’t focus on time get a good playlist going and just think about anything and everything but not the run itself - you’ll feel so good once it’s done I promise!

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