Hi, I'm new to the site. My daughter goes to football training tues & sat so about 7/8 weeks ago the mums all decided to tackle the couch to 5k while the kids were training. I still cant manage to run more than 7/8 mins without having to stop for a walk around the pitch. I still don't feel any fitter, I know some of the mums do it 3 times a week so I know they are a bit better than me. But surely by now I should be able to run a bit longer than 8 mins. I also have noticed since I started I feel the urge to pee when I am running, sorry for too much info. Help where am I going wrong?
Should I be able to run the whole 5k by now? - Couch to 5K
Should I be able to run the whole 5k by now?

I know what you mean about making you need a pee - glad its not just me 😆i am new to all of this so not the best to advise you on running im only on week 4. Dont worry about the others just focus on you - its 8 mins more than you could before you started. X

Hi there, first of all well done you for starting, you're already achieving more than someone who stays on the couch! And 7/8 weeks is no time at all, so give yourself a break! (I took over a year to 'graduate')
You don't say how often you are running? Or whether you are using the pod casts? You can't compare yourself to some one who runs 3 times a week if you are running once or twice a week, and I am sure they are different ages, size and build, we're all different.
My advice would be:
a) slow down
b) stop comparing yourself to others
c) it's ok to walk if you need to
d) try and use the loo just before you start so you know your bladder is empty - it could be a bit of nerves, or if its cold
e) the feeling of wanting to pee does happen sometimes when exercising for us ladies, try doing some pelvic floor exercises.
Overall, take it steady, you're doing great!

Hello, well done on you achievement , you are doing great. Many graduates of C25K cannot cover 5k at the end of the programme. What we can all do is run non-stop for 30 minutes. To finish the programme takes at least 9 weeks, but can take much longer for some. as Madge says we are all different. Why not try the podcasts if you are not already doing so, and go at your own pace on the programme and on the pitch.
Use this forum for your support, there is a wealth of experience and encouragement on here!
Thanks all for your kind advice. I run twice a week and walk a half hour 5 days a week. I manage 3 laps of the pitch then need to walk one and can do this 3 times before I'm exhausted haha. We are hoping to do a 5km run in 2 weeks but I will defo have to take it at my own pace.

It sounds as if you are not doing a structured C25k programme. Most of us on here follow or followed the NHS C25k programme which is available on podcasts or an app and involves 27 runs (3 per week) although it is fine to only run twice if that is all you can fit in, which start with run/walk intervals and progresses up to 30 minutes continuous running in week 9. The demand ramps up gently and progressively and you can always repeat a run or a week if you cannot complete it.
The structure of a plan like this is a great aid to gauging your progress. It sounds to me that you could pick up the NHS programme in about Week 4.

short answer - most like not. Read the early posts of Graduates and you will see the vast majority of us started laughing at the '5' and '9' in the title of our beloved programme.
If they had REALLY wanted to call it what it REALLY is it would have been something like 'Off your arse and running for thirty five consecutive minutes in anything from a 'few'months to a heck of a lot more - but you will LOVE it no matter how long it takes "
Seriously - most new people drop out in week three. That is about the only 'constant number' I have ever read about. Take it slow and steady and yo will make it

As others have suggested, try a c25k structured programme. It starts off with short runs, then walks and repeats the cycle a number of times. You can recover during the walks. The runs get progressively longer as the weeks progress, but there is always some walking involved during the first 6 weeks. You're led into it gradually until you can run for 20 minutes, then 25 etc. It builds up slowly and so does your stamina. You sound as if you're launching straight into 8 minute runs and wondering why it doesn't work. Good luck! And keep posting!
I have just finished week 4 so running 3 mins, 5 mins 3 mins and 5 mins, so I'm impressed by 8 mins. You say that you are running around the pitch. I personally for some reason can't run on grass, but find it much easier on a hard surface. It may be good changing your running place. It may not be helping to see how far you have got. If you run somewhere else, you may find that you are distracted by a new view. Not that I'm anywhere near an expert but changed route today and it did help
As others have said don't be so hard on yourself. Despite regularly cycling I couldn't run for a bus never mind five minutes back in April. The C25K is a cunning plan (didn't work for Baldrick but works for us) over 9 weeks . I think trying to run 5K in 2 weeks is too ambitious probably for most . Not everyone is the same and as others have said here there is no rush every run is progress from sitting on the couch.
I regularly run nearly 6K and 5K is now easy "Like a walk in the park". I still can't do 5K in 30 minutes. The main aim of C25K Is to build up stamina to run for 30 minutes regardless of the distance. You will find that even without trying to improve technique you will increase your speed. On a practical level I run 3K to work if I have a puncture on my bike ! (difficult even in Birmingham getting a bus at right time at 6 in the morning)
There is advice on this site about improving technique. The main thing is to remember your initial motivation and it is not a race against others only your own goals. Take it slowly.
I cannot give up the enormous sense of achievement and health and well being that helps cope with all the other stuff in life. It will be a good habit and to me running is like food and drink now.
Hope to hear how you get on.
Thanks everyone, glad to know that I am not a disaster at running haha. We really aren't that structured in our group. Every week we do different times and everyone goes at different paces. We run on a 4g pitch which I find really comfy compared to the road, though I really should try the road if we are to go and do the 5k run. I will keep slogging away and hopefully in a few weeks report that I can run for 5k without a break.