This potato got off the couch: I am over 50 and... - Couch to 5K

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This potato got off the couch

Jullaly profile image
61 Replies

I am over 50 and have completed week one of the C25K. I kept it a secret from everyone because I didn't believe I could run a step, lets face it the last time I run would when I was a toddler! But I did it, and have completed the first run of week 2, would love to hear how any other over 50s managed the programme, did you repeat weeks etc

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Jullaly profile image
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61 Replies
MichaelH070862 profile image

Was 53 when I started finished the day before my 54th birthday in august didn't have to repeat any weeks. The programme works best if you don't look ahead to the following weeks relax and go out to enjoy yourself don't worry about other people they are to busy with their own lives and when you find it tough slow down and slow down some more but most importantly I found if I believed I could do it I did.

McFitty profile image
McFittyGraduate in reply to MichaelH070862

But you had the advantage of the red Cape and wearing your pants on the outside ;)

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862Graduate in reply to McFitty

cheeky madam

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to MichaelH070862

Thank you for that advice, yes its my mind catching up with my body thats the key thing for me

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to Jullaly

I'm a new graduate. Although younger than you even now my mind is still trying to catch up with what my body is doing! Well done on starting. When I started I said I didn't mind if it took 9 weeks or 9 months. If you end up having to repeat a run then so be it, it doesn't matter, just enjoy the journey it takes you on both mentally and geographically - it's much more scenic than the couch!

Suzieblue1 profile image
Suzieblue1 in reply to MichaelH070862

Totally agree 👍 I'm 53 😀

neuropsycsci profile image

I'm not over 50 but just wanted to say congratulations!! Starting is the hardest part and you've already shown yourself that you're capable of more than you thought. Keep up the great work and always remember to come to the forum for support if you need it! :D

(P.s. I'm in my mid twenties and repeated quite a few runs / weeks - there's nothing wrong with doing this, as long as you're out running regularly that's all that matters :) do it at your own pace)

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to neuropsycsci

Thank you, yes I'm doing it! yay even if it is tortoise pace lol

McFitty profile image

I was 55 when I started (and I'm staying right there)! I struggled with a couple of the weeks and repeated some. I always thought there was some 'running chemistry' that I was missing and that everyone else could do it but I wouldn't be able to. It took until week 6 or 7 for me to truly believe what everyone was telling me! The best piece of advice (for me anyway) was to start as slow as you possibly can on the running sections and then see if you can find an even slower gear! I suffered with a lot of calf and shin pain in the beginning because I was just trying to go too fast.

Believe me when I say You can do this. I started never thinking I would get beyond week 2 or 3. The other thing that got me through was the wonderful folk on this forum. I would have given up many times without their support and encouragement.

You've done the most brilliant thing in starting, slow and steady now and you won't believe what you're capable of. :)

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862Graduate in reply to McFitty

i thought you might have put 21 again & again!!!!!!!!!!!

McFitty profile image
McFittyGraduate in reply to MichaelH070862

I'm 46 plus VAT! (and working backwards from now on MichaelH070862 ) ;)

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862Graduate in reply to McFitty

So are you aiming to do a Benjamin Button and age gracefully or be the female equivalent of Dorian Gray and keep a Polaroid on the wall as portraits are so expensive

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to McFitty

you are all amazing on this forum, i can't believe the support are all truly amazing :)

McFitty profile image
McFittyGraduate in reply to Jullaly

And you're part of the forum and you've started c25k... you are amazing too! I love this place!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to McFitty

Thank you so much, I can't believe the support on here

1903 profile image

Aha. Welcome to the club. Over 50 and secretive. I came out to my family in week 2, one work colleague in week 3 (I'm glad I did because she's on week 7 now and my sister is on week 3) and a few more after week 6. I now run in public, in daylight, in a fluorescent top and feel great. I also tell people 'No I can't because I have to go for a run'. Nicely of course. I was lucky I didn't repeat any weeks but was prepared to if I had to BUT I did take it VERY slowly- still do.

Keep going and reap the benefits. :-)

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply to 1903

Yes....... Florescent!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to 1903

Thank you, such amazing support on here, it feels like a proper underground club lol

Bradaz profile image
Bradaz in reply to Jullaly

Great way to describe it lol

MrsLis profile image

Well done you for getting off the Couch. Its a big step in the right direction!

I'm 58 and started this towards the end of July this year. I kept it secret from all but my husband for about three weeks - even now I feel I'm an imposter!

My history? Well I ran two of the Week 1 runs reasonably well and then my legs had something of a reaction so I sat around for a week waiting to be able to use them again. When I asked about it on here, its seems that its not uncommon. Some one explained it as my body saying, 'excuse me, what's going on here?' and I think that was about right.

I went on holiday for two and a half weeks in late August and had two 'practice' runs (no 'failing' on this website you understand!) and then three successful runs and since I've been back (mid September) I've run three times a week, just keeping up with the programme.

I'm due to graduate tomorrow but I had a huge crisis of confidence on Wednesday evening (pre Week 9 Run 2), came on here, asked for help and was overwhelmed by the result - such incredibly positive feed back. Happily I went out early yesterday morning and succeeded in running for 30 minutes so I'm still on track for graduating this weekend!

I haven't found it easy, but it hasn't been impossible. I'm slow but I'm expecting to carry on until I can do 5k in 30 minutes or thereabouts and once I've done that I'd like to find a 10k race to work towards sometime around Easter next year.

There are lots of similar C25K programmes about I think but you won't find a more supportive forum - this place is fantastic!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to MrsLis

Thank you so much for your encouragement, the confidence ..or lack of is a massive hurdle for me. But I am overwhelmed by all the support on here

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to MrsLis

I call a run I don't get to the end of a practice run too. I had quite a few of those after going on holiday!!! Slow and steady wins the race though :)

davelinks profile image

Me & the wife did it at 60 and 61, just a few minor aches & pains, I had a gremlin on a run at w5, so repeated that, wife had a bit of knee pain at w3 which went away after a short rest and didn't bother her again, I told her to slow up a tad..

Also go with what mok has said..😊 but wouldn't wear the red cape & pants though! I'm Batman!😂

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862Graduate in reply to davelinks

And there i was thinking I was all on my lonesome

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to MichaelH070862

Have probably got The fantastic 4 on here somewhere as well..

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to davelinks

You are all cracking me up pants, red capes and batman, I promise I will think of that when I do my next run later today, thank you for your help.

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862Graduate in reply to Jullaly

Forget that just think of Frank Sinatra and do it your way

MichaelH070862 profile image

More than likely apparently there are 3 Amigo's somewhere aswell

Indiscoot profile image
IndiscootGraduate in reply to MichaelH070862

I'm one of the three amigos and over 50😯. Did graduation run this morning and was fortunate not to have to do any repeat weeks or runs woohoo. Put this down to having done regular Pilates and yoga so hopefully have an ok core.

Keep on with the programme - it really does work for everyone no matter age, weight, etc. You can do it.

The three amigos are all due to graduate this weekend and this community is fab - particularly if you find peeps who are at the same stage as you - you get so much support s d any gremlins get banished.

Good luck - but you won't need it - C25k dies it for you!!!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Indiscoot

Congratulations on graduating amigo! I honestly believed I couldn't before joining this forum, but now I know I can ..Thank you so much, it really makes the difference.

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to Jullaly

So when you feel a wobble coming on saying you can't do it, think of us on here laugh and say out loud, yes I can!

misswobble profile image

I was 56, going on 57 when I started at the end of Sept and ran the programme through winter. Like you I had never run before and kept it secret as I knew my husband would take the pee. He wasn't taking the pee when I ran my first half marathon the following September!

Go SLOWLY and finish each session. Enjoy yourself, this is FUN! The absolute buzz you get when you finish each run is heady stuff. You'll want to keep doing it. As long as you go good and slow you'll be fine.

Enjoy yourself!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to misswobble

The more I read the support on here the more I know I can do this, thank you and well done you

I started at 52 much to the amusement of my offspring who didn't think I'd do it. When I was still going at W5 one of them joined me and another one started when I'd finished. We're all still going 2+ years later although they're much faster than me.....

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to

Congratulations, I have to admit my 3 girls all run, and 2 of the grandkiddies do the junior park run, I was telling my daughter that I had signed up to the app, and my 5 year old grand daughter said 'don't worry grandma I will take you on my 2K run' so I have a challenge already!

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862Graduate in reply to Jullaly

So sweet for one so young

runswithdogs profile image

Just popping by to say welcome! I'm in my thirties, but was a fellow potato, dreadfully out of shape, never an athlete. But this program and forum work wonders. Please keep coming back.

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to runswithdogs

And I see you run with dogs, my collie Patsy is my running buddy, she thought it hilarious to start with but she knows I'm serious now lol

poppypug profile image

Hi and Welcome aboard !

Yep, another over fifty lady here too , I started when I was 53 and I am running my first Half Marathon next weekend ! ( I cant believe Ive just wrote that ha ha )

This programme is just amazing, it really works and this forum is so friendly and supportive .

Have fun , take it slow and steady, it doesn't matter about speed or distance, its about building stamina.

Please keep posting so that we can support you along your way ! :-) xxx

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to poppypug

My word, congratulations, your first half marathon. I cannot get over the support on here, it is simply overwhelming. To think I was nervous to admit I was a newbie, I couldn't be more wrong. Tremendous support, Thank you all of you

...and good luck for next weekend

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to poppypug

good luck for next weekend poppypug !

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Miller2

Thankyou so much ! :-) xxx

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to poppypug

Good luck on HM Pops, I'm Doing my first 10k on Sunday, but then you would have seen that on B210k..😊

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to davelinks

Thanks Dave, yes I was just reading it , Good Luck and enjoy it , that's the main thing :-) xxx

poppypug profile image

Ah, thank you so much !

Yes , this is a really nice place to be, almost as addictive as the running ! :-) xxx

Bradaz profile image

Be proud of getting of the couch and stick with it. Im 42 nearly so younger than you but very overweight i would never have believed it possible but the app works. I will be starting week 4 on monday and i am proved wrong on each run - i can do it. You can too xx

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Bradaz

Thank you, I know it amazes me each time ..well done you

IannodaTruffe profile image

My wife and I were 57 when we started three years we are 38!!!!

You can do this!

NeverSayNoToJeffing profile image
NeverSayNoToJeffingGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Oh, the rejuvenating power of running 🏃🏿 😊

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

So thats the secret of being 38 .. I will work on it lol

poppypug profile image

Ha ha ! :-D xxx

Irish-John profile image

Repeated several stages, felt faint when contemplating the next weeks added time to a run, never thought I would make it past week three even....and here I am. Moaning that I can only run 5K in 40 minutes :)

Read as many posts here as possible for support and tips. Read the early posts of Graduates especially - you will find them a lot like your one here :)

Trust the programme as a guide. Don't worry about making 5K in nine weeks - the vast majority of us took longer, believe me, but were running continously for thirty minutes plus and graduated. Don't mess with the Rest Days and when you feel the going get too tough - run slower...then slower still.

Beleive me - when I made it, absolutely nothing stopping you :)

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Irish-John

Thank you so much for that encouragement, I am cross with myself for believing I couldn't run for a whole lifetime!

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Jullaly

It will be all the better enjoyment now because you will really appreciate it after the long wait :)

NeverSayNoToJeffing profile image

Yes, I'm over 50 and this 9 week programme has taken me 6 months, but I graduated tonight and w1r1 was tough. I remember being horrified at the thought that I had to run for 90 seconds. But, you get to a point (for me it was w6) when you just know that you can add on another 2 minutes and then another 2 minutes). It took me ages to get from w3 to w6 (pulled calf muscles, one leg then the other - started using compression socks and did pre-run stretches). You need to be confident about adapting the programme when you need it. If you finish a week and don't feel ready for the following week, just repeat it and see how you feel when you've done the third run again. You are always building your confidence and stamina.

It isn't easy for any of us but slow and steady is the best course - rest when you need to, slow down when necessary and be kind to yourself if a run doesn't goes pear shaped. 🐢👣🏃🏿👍🏻

Oldfloss profile image

Yeay... go you.. on the way and looking good!

However...Please change your name.. Jullaly .. ! :) What? Old lady ????

You have so, got to be kidding.. I think I beat most of the current replies... I started this, last October at 65.... graduated the week before Christmas...still a beginner, compared with some of my amazing chums on here...... three runs a week. up to 9K... enjoying the journey and doing it my way!

Now, you do it your way. Follow the programme, repeat if you need to, have your rest days.. so important... and if you need an extra rest day.. take it! The support here is totally amazing!

"The amazing thing about running, is that many runners may run the same road, but no-one runs the same journey. "

This is yours.. enjoy it!

indigogogo profile image

Welcome (not so)oldladyruns! I'm one of the gang who's over 50 (started the programme a couple weeks before my 52nd birthday). I did this particular C25K plan four years ago and graduated, but after a few months (and some dodgy leg/hip pains) I let it fall by the wayside. Previous to starting again, though, I had been a pretty regular walker and when the mood strikes me, I'll jog for a minute or two (luckily I have a treadmill). But this time I'm back with a focus and a goal to sign up for a 5k in late November. I'm certainly a little slower than last time, but I just finished week 6. That's a long-winded way of saying, yep, I'm over 50 and YOU CAN DO IT!

Ullyrunner profile image

Welcome! Another one here who started when I was 59 and three years later am still running.

You won't regret this decision to get yourself out there!

Suzieblue1 profile image

Hi I'm 53 and on week 4 😀 I honestly didn't think I would even get out the door on wk1run1 but I have . I did wk 1&2 then due to family illness I skipped 4 wks then picked up on wk 3. Going okay I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hey presto I'm home again😀 Determined to finish 😀🏃🏃👍

Simonc25k profile image

Well done for starting, I got to week 6 before I emerged from the closet and told anyone as I doubted myself so much. I'm 51 (but don't tell anyone) and never felt fitter. Dig deep, and when it hurts, just remind yourself that it only lasts a few minutes and imagine how good it will feel when you finish another run

RunningGeek profile image

Lots of us over 50s on here! Listen to your body, it will let you know if you need to take it gently. Remember when it gets tough slow down then slow down some more. Speed is not important, you are building strength and stamina. Keep posting on this fab forum so we know how you are getting on,it's a great place for support and advice. Happy running 😀🏃👟

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