am i being stupid (please don't say yes) - Couch to 5K

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am i being stupid (please don't say yes)

23 Replies

i run every day and get very sweaty, but i make sure i get a shower and change before taking my wife (boss) shopping. why is it the my local parkrun attendee's feel the necessity to go on the park run and then do their shopping, in the local lidl store, looking and smelling of sweat. Is this meant to be a ''badge of honour'' or just a case of ''look at me I've been excercising. please people get a shower and get changed.

Maybe I'm just a grumpy old git.

23 Replies
pollyp1 profile image


secan profile image

Well... I don't go shopping in my running gear but I can understand some people may find it convenient, especially if (like me) they live relatively far from the stores, have to pass in front of them on their way back and don't have a car.

Anyway, sweat shouldn't "smell" unless you have some medical condition or a poor hygiene.

dirkcb07 profile image
dirkcb07 in reply to secan

Anyone that I have met,

DEFINITELY has a smell when they sweat !!

Am fairly sure that they don't ALL have medical conditions !!

And MOST, have fairly good hygiene !!

secan profile image
secanGraduate in reply to dirkcb07

I don't know what to say: the smell is caused by different types of bacteria - some living on the body, others on the clothes -; if both the body and the clothes are clean, the amount of bacteria will be very low... and so will the odour. So, either you have a hyper-sensitive sense of smell or their hygiene is poorer than it looks.

amateurwriter profile image

I must admit i have done this a few times, i dont drive but i do carry a change of clothes with me and some deodrant, for afterwards, sometimes I think i smell and sometimes i might but i lack sense of smell due to a brain injury, i try not to go shopping without a shower though but some weekends im that busy i have no choice but change, spray and go get the things i need :(

dirkcb07 profile image
dirkcb07 in reply to amateurwriter

At the Least, you are Changing those "sweaty" clothes.

The spray does sound like a good "addition".

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

It might be the only convenient way they can fit it in if the shops are between parkrun and home. I don't think it would bother me too much but then I've never seen it.

SlowWorm2016 profile image

Maybe they like to walk through the chilled food aisles to cool themselves down. But if they have a car they have no excuse not to go home and shower, or at least have a change of top and a wetwipe to hand.

dirkcb07 profile image
dirkcb07 in reply to SlowWorm2016

More than once,

have purposely walked down the chilled food aisles,

to cool down (from exercise or heat exposure) !!

Yes, I know that I do smell.

The sooner that I can cool down, the less smell I have.

runswithdogs profile image

I have gone shopping after running, taken transit and even out to our local (non-crowded) pub. Would I like to shower? Sure, but sometimes the timing doesn't work out.

Life is too short for me to worry that my running tights, red face and sweat might offend people as I walk past them.

Noaky12 profile image

I am a post parkrun shopper in my gear with my sweaty red faced. Mainly because I am passing the door of the supermarket on my way home & it seems a waste of time going home to come out again when I'm normally just picking up bread or milk so am in and out in the space of about 5 mins.

I also quite frequently pop into the local CO-OP right after a local run to pick up rolls etc.

Its always a quick shop its not like I'm spending hours doing the weekly shop.

JoolieB1 profile image

Everyone is different! They probably just think it is nearby so why not! I wouldn't, but I wouldn't be bothered by it

Beelady profile image

Wouldn't worry me to do it and I probably will at some's too short sometimes to worry about what other people think and who cares what others think and let live I reckon :-)

miss_august profile image

Yeah, convenience will win out I think. Plus I am always hungry after I run so if I was out away from home and near a shop I'd be in there right after, no matter what anyone thought.

Scruffy64 profile image

Oh dear, that's me on a Saturday morning (as SlowWorm2016 says, wandering up and down the chilled aisles to cool down) at Waitrose! I do put a clean lightweight jacket on but the running tights and trainers might be a give away! I go right past the door, usually need a few things and a lovely cup of coffee!

GoogleMe profile image

Interesting... there's no Lidl near me so it is somewhere I only go when I'm in that town for something else... could be the same for these runners... anyway, it is very odd you should mention this because last time the strong and unpleasant odour from other shoppers ... not just the odd individual but many... was really oppressive. So I can very much relate to you feeling this is antisocial behaviour.

However, I very much doubt all the people assaulting my nose had just come from a run... and I'd be surprised if fresh sweat from Parkrun smelled that bad... stale sweat yes... so if they'd not washed *before* they ran.

That said, I don't always shower after a run until the next morning... but I'm not usually wearing techno fabrics and I do use anti-perspirant (and sometimes rather antisocial quantities of perfume). You wouldn't necessarily be able to tell I'd been running as I often wear other clothes over the top before or after a run. Come to think of it I went to the library last night like that (very scratched and bloody/muddy lower legs) I think I am probably OK because my husband is not shy about complaining if I've been eating (and thus reeking of) lots of garlic or fenugreek.

misswobble profile image

I go to the shops post run, or even mid run.

Speaking of Lidl, I was in ours today and it was absolutely freezing. I could feel the icy blast through my jeans. Perhaps that's to discourage Parkrunners. Maybe there's been complaints!

dirkcb07 profile image
dirkcb07 in reply to misswobble

"Complaints" ??!!??

I definitely was NOT one !!

LIKELY, would THANK them !!

(AFTER I WARM up the place !!)

heavyhorse profile image

I live nearly 20 miles from park run, if I was running and needing shopping and I would very happily go in my running gear, I would not drive 20 miles home to shower and return! I would just wash my face in cold water in the toilets to reduce the beetroot hue and get on with it, couldn't care less what anyone else thought! Similarly I cycle 10 miles to go swimming and then go to wetherspoons for a breakfast in my cycling gear before cycling home again.

Hillrunner2201 profile image

I look like I've been swimming after running in summer and cannot wait to get in the shower after a run so I've been a bit surprised by people wandering around the supermarket in running gear.

misswobble profile image

In lidl yesters and the stench of fags invaded my nostrils all round the shop! Worse than sweaty runners 😊

I wasn't in my usual branch though.

dirkcb07 profile image
dirkcb07 in reply to misswobble

Talking about a "biased" post.

With all the events that I have attended

(as coach, medic, athlete)

I have been exposed to a lot of different "sweat" smells.

I also have been exposed to a lot of persons who smell of sex.

Most of the time,

It is the "Runners" with "Stale" sweat, that are the worse.

Often, we find and give them a Clean Shirt.

Sometimes, we give them something to wear !!

Other times, we "lend" them something to wear,

as we "spray"/"treat" their clothes !!

dirkcb07 profile image

Can't speak for the "others" that you mention.

Me, personally, am very BAD with sweat.

Have been "Kicked-Out" of more than one car !!

A GOOD Bath/Shower is STRONGLY suggested.

At the LEAST, a CHANGE of Clothes and some body "Cleanser" spray !!

There is a "Good" side !!

Given cold/cool (-5c/23f to +10c/50f) conditions,

I CAN warm up (to +15c/60f) a room that is 8'/2.5m by 8'/2.5m !!

Not what you're looking for?

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