Week 9, Run 1, good run, went a bit too fast, that means a wee wee bit quicker than slow slow, forgot to follow orders. Sore ankle, ice pack and some massage cream, felt better. Run 2, good run and good pace, feeling good, ankle still got a bit of a niggle using massage cream and ice pack. Run 3, Beautiful day in Fort William, brilliant run and good pace, ankle, what ankle, I am walking on air. This 60 year old, who has not run since school days has finished. Awesome, I done it, fantastic, I feel very very good and quite proud of myself. Farewell dads army, I've joined the regulars, I am a runner. Thank you everyone who has posted, shared their experience, given advice, thanks also to the admins, and to Laura and Julie and not forgetting dads army who play their part. Photo's of my running route and of me at the finish. Ps, just found out that there is a half marathon in November on the same route. Hmmm, could I, no, yes, maybe, how far, what!! hmmm, lets see how it goes, need a training plan!! will keep you posted. xx
Dads Army Last Post: Week 9, Run 1, good run... - Couch to 5K
Dads Army Last Post

Well done Willie! Er Pike! A half marathon in Nov? That's over 21km stupid boy! No!😁

Oh yes!!! You've earned those stripes Congratulations of the huge kind.

Fantastic - well done 🎉🏃🎓

Many Congratulations to you WillieMac , a fantastic achievement !
What a beautiful part of the world you live in, I am sure you will never be short of finding wonderful running routes .
I really hope you enjoy your running, wherever it may take you.
And as for the HM - A definite for next year ?
Well done !
Don't tell 'em Pike ! xxx

Congratulations to you and a big well done. That's such a beautiful photo no wonder you run there 😊

Congratulations WillieMac! The whole platoon is really proud of you!
Lovely place to graduate.

Well done WillieMac, keep that new badge shiny..😊
Brilliant - well done 😊

Well done, congratulations on your graduation 🎓🎓👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎓🎓
A grand job you did there young man!