Did a 34 minute run this morning and just about did 5k. I’ve been getting complacent recently and doing lovely flat beach runs so today and last run I ran a hillier route... my oh my 🥵 I’ve read so much about how to run hills that I’ve realised that there is no magic formula that will make them easy, the only way to get better at hills is to run them. So, decision made this morning is that at least every 3rd run I do will involve hills. Wish me luck 😂. ps - if anyone does actually have a secret that makes hills easy please let me know 😉
Hill Phobia: Did a 34 minute run this morning... - Couch to 5K
Hill Phobia

Wow great time beetroot! As someone who’s highest run elevation today was 15m, I’m in no position to give hill advice! 😬

Yes, slowly! 😁
You've read up on hill running, so not much I can tell you, but just to give encouragement, try and incorporate them in some of your runs, they will benefit your stamina, and hills will become easier, so embrace them..

How do find running on sand? I'm close to the beach but have so far avoided running there as not sure about it.
Unfortunately no sand on the beach near me, I run on the undercliff next to a very pebbly beach, I think sand may be tricky, either too soft if dry or too hard if wet?
Sand is a real mixed bag... if the tide has just been over it, it’s like mud, give it an half an hour and it’s a pretty good surface, as it dries it gets a little harder to run on... any way up it’s a big workout for the calves. The other thing I found unpleasant was the slope on the beach I did a parkrun on... running on a camber for the first time like that, it probably wasn’t great to do an out and back 5k... I will be getting some practice in before I take that one on again, which is not easy to do for someone living in Derbyshire, the most landlocked county in the U.K. 🤣
Here’s a runners world article on the subject runnersworld.com/trail-runn...
Thanks! Our beach is pretty flat but I'm thinking I might wait til I've graduated before trying it
I’ve found a flat one to run on... just need the powers that be to start allowing overnight stays again, not even I can justify a 4/5 hour round trip for a 30 minute run in any way that will get past the wife... the beach does have a gin tent though, so she’d be happy with a couple of nights camping!

Great job getting into the hills. I replied to someone going from hills to flat the other day, and the same applies here... flat and hills use our muscles slightly differently, so while we may be able to get all the theory upfront, and the technique can be right first time, it will take a little time for the muscles to adapt to the new challenge. We don’t need to do the whole plan again to get there, the adaptation will be pretty quick. Mixing your running like you’re planning is indeed the right way to go from here. The “secret” to almost everything running is, in my mind, to relax, slow down a little, and enjoy just letting it happen.

My tip - don't look ahead!! I can do hills if I don't think about it too much!