So the Gremlins were definitely around and about today. Sparky66 they got me too. I managed 4km at race pace of 6.30min/km short by 1km. I did finish the 5km but a little slower. Melly4012 I am using the asics app post run and aiming for a sub 30 mins 5km eventually. I am also aiming to increase distance. The app let's you decide your aims.
Anyway the I am putting the Gremlins down to not having run since last Tuesday. I know I can build it up again.
I think I am going to take a leaf out-of yatesy book and plan to run every day if possible. It makes me feel good and stops me snapping at everyone. I also have 4 and a half weeks until holiday and want tone be as toned as possible.
Watch this space!