OMG peeps I did it! Me - who could barely manage 40 seconds when I started this - has just run Laura's last run in C25K - and since I was soooo close to that magical 5K I ran just past the 30 mins and did my 5K in 33.56 mins!!! It was a lovely early evening run along our seafront prom in the sunshine with another 'proper' runner friend who's also part of our secret Facebook group and who's been there with our group, giving advice, encouragement and cheering me on so I can do that special run with my daughter in August, so thank you to Sophie, and thank you to all you guys here in this lovely group too - you've all helped me achieve this (for me) remarkable achievement!! Roll on the real Central Park!!!
From couch to 5ks in 29 Runs, 116 ks, 880 minu... - Couch to 5K
From couch to 5ks in 29 Runs, 116 ks, 880 minutes (14.6 hours) - Graduation Run: DONE DONE DONE!!!!

Oooh nice! Jealous of you getting to run in Central Park, but it'll be hot in August!
Thanks LisaRose74, it sure is going to be hot - not sure how I'll cope with that The actual race starts at 8am - though I'm thinking that will be the 'elite' runners...hopefully we won't be too long starting after them...and they'll be lots of shade and water on offer? I'll be back and post an update after it's all over :0 xx

Congratulations! Graduation and 5 k all in one go.
Your daughter is going to be so proud of you!

Woohooo congratulations 😀
Great time too.
You have to show us a pic of your daughters face when you surprise her with your running skills.

Well done and congratulations, 5k and graduated, wow!.👏👏
Amazing! 🍾🏆👏🎈 And a very good time too. You are much faster than me. You will definitely be ready for The Big One in Central Park in August!
Well done! Encouraging for us all on the way!

Yea huge congratulations.. well done and the 5k on brilliant form!! You smashed it!!! So pleased for you...
You must be so excited about the day you get to reveal all your running skill with your daughter!!
Fab. WTG you! X
Such a tremendous feeling to get that 5k mark. Well done and I hope you celebrated in style.
Plenty time to build up to 8k for August and that lovely surprise.
Congratulations! great pace! you really are a runner and your surprise for your daughter will be a great moment

Very well done you and congratulations!
Well done. I love reading about people's success. So inspiring.

Superb, fantastic, well done, congratulations. All of the above and more. Wasn't feeling it today but am now. Thanks and good luck for August xx
Congratulations. Well done you.
Running with your daughter will be lovely (assuming she recovers from the surprise 😀).

Congratulations - I must agree that such posts help us non believers who doubt we will ever graduate - thanks for sharing. 👏
Totally agree with you Donkeywhistler - I really didn't think I could do this back when 40 seconds seemed like too much! How are you doing? :0

Fabulous! Very well done!

OOOOOh I've just noticed I've got my 'Graduate' badge already!!! Big wide smiley face here!

Congratulations both on your graduation AND that that great time for a 5k. Looks like you'll end up as one of the runners who achieve the mythical 30minute 5k

Yeay!!!!!!!!!!! Go you

Ah , this is great !!! You did it !!!
What a fantastic achievement, and your daughter will be gob smacked Ha ha
You set out to achieve this , and you did . Be very very proud of yourself !
Many Congratulations to you on your Graduation xxx

Congratulations! Great news!!

Thanks Als_Mum! How are you getting on?

Wow! This has really inspired me! I thought it would take me ages after graduation to get 5k but I'm in week 7 now and running at a similar pace so you've given me the motivation to push a touch harder to get the 5k in for graduation! Thanks!
Aww Lpcrudge that's such a wonderful thing to hear, thank you so much - this forum has been a godsend to me too - such encouragement and stories of people 'just like us' who've actually learnt to run now...never in my dreams did I think at the beginning of this could I ever do this...but here I am - so you go too and you'll crack that 5K - and boy that feeling of clocking up that first one...and more of them...

Yay! Well done
Central Park will be amazing - so jealous and what a lovely surprise it will be for your daughter! Don't forget to keep us posted on how it goes
I actually ran where you did in Cleethorpes last month - I looped around the swimming bathes and back through the lovely duck lake park area. Man, those geese are huge! One of them had a neck thicker than my arm! You're lucky to have such a nice place to run!