I am really sorry this is really late, I finished at parkrun and then took the left over cakes home with me, went shopping for a spag bol and to make a stir fry for that night's tea, then had to pack my bags for a full day of volunteering on the sunday I was extremely busy over the weekend but so glad I managed to get everything done and I enjoyed myself as well over the weekend,
The friday before the parkrun I got all my ingredients and utensils out to do some baking, with my arm in a splint it turned out to be harder than I thought it would be to do some baking but in the end I managed to bake 2 lots of cakes, 1 set of dairy free and egg free/vegan cupcakes and some ordinary chocolate fairy cakes, I made sure they cooled before I put the lids on the containers and then once they was cool I put them in the fridge to keep them fresh, they didn't turn out to bad even if I do say so myself,
I then had to clean everything which I did, then had some tea and afterwards starting packing things for the parkrun before going bed, I remembered my barcode and made sure I put in the 2 t'shirts that headway was kind enough to send to me for phil and will, put in spare clothes and my new trainers which I have took a picture of them whilst they was still clean, will upload a picture of them soon,
I get to bed around 10, manage to get up at 5 the next day after waking up in a panic at 3, didn't want to go back to sleep thought I wouldn't get up in time but I did, so I got up showered, changed, ate some breakfast, double checked I had everything and then set off at 7,
I got to the start for 8am and stood around chatting to everyone who was there, 2 lovely volunteers had gone out of their way and baked some delicious cakes for my 50th parkrun, we waited for the run director who had the keys and then we went to work well once the cakes was put to one side near to where the cakes would be put,
I did half of the cones because I am lacking the use of my right arm since it's been put in the splint for 2 weeks so another lovely volunteer lent a hand and put out the other half of the cones, I put the 2 starting cones out and everything else had been done and dusted since I couldn't work that quick, went over to see the cakes with phil who had turned up who was lovely enough to bake some delicious brownies,
I then get to meet Will who also ran with me and phil, phil, will and i spoke about things, then will and phil went off for a warm up lap, will then went to the new runners briefing and I went and had my photo took with all the other volunteers,
We then all got together and listened to the run brief and then made our way over to the start, we all ran together which was nice since will runs at heaton park parkrun in around 20 odd minutes I can't remember how many minutes he actually did say, but because he didn't know the route,
It went pretty well apart from I struggled quite a bit keeping up with Phil as he was running a little bit to fast, will just ran at a slower pace to keep up with me when usually he's around 10minutes quicker than me, I managed a sprint finish at the end, but struggled all the way through, my head just wasn't with it on saturday think I was far too excited and I did a huge mention at the run brief so was a bit embarrassed there as well,
I came in with a time of 37:42 so didn't manage a pb on my 50th but I got around the course with will and phil and got to meet ali off the headway forum from here which is ali and she is in the photo as well as phil and will, phil is to the right of me (to the left of me on the photo), ali is stood next to me on the right of the picture and then will is stood next to ali and is the shorter of the 2 guys on the photo,
I had an awesome day, it was fantastic had so many people coming up to me, congratulating me, giving me hugs and making sure I was ok, and I had a good day/good parkrun which I did, couldn't have asked for a better parkrun family than I do, I got speaking to the run director on saturday and I was astonished and proud of what the run director said to me, I thanked him at the end with putting on the runs each week and told him that I'm extremely grateful, I sent them an e-mail and they put it in to this week's run report which this is the link for:
the e-mail I sent them is at the bottom of the first run report you come to,
I hope you all have had a great weekend, I've had a ton of experiences this week with volunteering and I'm extremely grateful to be able to class you all as my running family so thank you,
Take care,
Siobhan xx
Edit: on the sunday I volunteered at queen's park junior parkrun from 8:40 til 9:30 then shot off to go help out at great run local from 10:40 as it'd changed time for yesterday from 9:30 to 11am start, was there until almost 12pm, then went had some dinner in bury and then shot off on the metrolink to get to my 3rd volunteering event of the day at an event called tour de manc, it was a cycling event that happened around manchester the cyclists had the option of a 100km route or 100mile route, I helped out from 2pm til nearly 6pm it was an amazing opportunity and I've been asked to come back again next year to volunteer there again can't believe it, I sent them an e-mail thanking them for allowing me the opportunity of volunteering with them and gave them my up to date phone number, got a reply back today saying they will definitely want my help again next year since I used my innitative and helped when they needed help without being asked for the help, so I started folding napkins and then within and hour went from napkin folding and tea making to opening up medals and handing them out with a good bag, congratulating all the cyclists as they came across the finish line
it was an amazing opportunity that I am so grateful that I put myself forward for