Hello all,am new here. Does the running have to be done outside or can be it be done on a treadmill? am really conscious about how i look and i feel people would make fun of me if i run outside. so basically can it be done from home on a treadmill, i can set the machine to have inclines and all that. Thanks
can i do the couch25k on a treadmill? - Couch to 5K
can i do the couch25k on a treadmill?

Hello Aimeide, welcome to the most amazing programme, and to this very friendly community! You will amaze yourself. Deciding to do the C25K programme is going to be one of your best decisions ever.
You can indeed run on a treadmill, there are several people who have started out that way. I have to say I think it's much harder than running outside because it is SO boring! When you are outside you're moving through the landscape, seeing and hearing different things, making choices about where to go, experiencing the sky above you and the sheer joy of propelling yourself forward- oh and the wind as you move forward helps to counter the heat from exertion!
Running on grass is a great way to get used to it initially because it absorbs a bit of the impact as your feet land.
I think many people are worried about hecklers and what people think of them when they are out and starting a programme to get fit. To be honest, it very quickly doesn't matter to you what other people think of you, because what you think of you is more important, and you will be immensely proud of fighting mental gremlins and finding ways of progressing. Go you! Hecklers are actually pretty rare. Is there anywhere near you where you could start off away from traffic? A canal path, a country park? Worth considering when you're ready, anyway.
Anyway the main point is, of course you can run on a treadmill, and if that is the way to get fitter that suits you, go for it! I'm sure that folks on here who have done he same will be able to chip in with support, too. Good luck!

Of course you can do the programme on a treadmill. Running is running, to put it simply. What you don't probably realise is that runners don't run solely to keep fit, but because they are junkies who need to get their fix, even if it means being seen in public in too figure hugging lycra.
Your feelings are extremely common, but C25k and this forum will give you so much more alongside the ability to run. Your self esteem and confidence will grow and I am sure in no time at all you will be proudly getting your runner's fix outdoors, not giving a damn whether anyone is watching you or not.
Do what suits you, but don't be afraid to venture outside.......you will love it.
Keep posting and we will cheer you over the finishing line as a runner and a completely different person.
Welcome Aimeide. As you've seen from the replies, you can do this on the treadmill. Lots of people do, so please give it a go - and keep on with it. If you look around this site (look on the pinned and related) posts on the right hand sideyou will see many people with the same thoughts as yourself. It is doable, just believe in yourself and follow the programme. Probably before you know it you will be posting about running outside😀.
only words of caution are take it very slowly. If you are very unfit why not try walking and then when it's time to run walk more quickly for those sections. Not meaning to be rude just mentioning what has been done by people in the past to get a good grounding of the programme. If you are doing this for weightloss, that generally doesn't happen in the early weeks BUT measure yourself before you start rather than weighing as you will probably find that your are losing inches even if you don't lose weight - that's something that has happened to many of us.
Keep coming here and letting us know how you are getting on.

Hi! AvatheGardener gave a great answer. I'll second that and add that c25k is your programme to complete however you see fit (scuse the pun!). So if that's treadmill, go for it. I'm an outside runner but it's just preference really. Also, many people don't complete in 9 weeks- they sometimes repeat a week or it just takes a little longer. However you do it is up to you! Good luck and keep us posted.
Hi and welcome to this wonderful forum, everyone has already given some great advise 😊
Everyone is an individual , so this is your story, you do it your way ☺take each run as it comes, trust the program and believe in yourself ..
We all felt selfconcious at first, hopefully as your confidence builds you will feel strong enough to experience running outside.
Good luck with your runs , keep posting with your progress and any questions 😊

Thank you

I did all of it in a treadmill & only want out in week 9 as long as you running worry about the hills later ☺☺why make things hard for yourself

Hi there. Welcome to this amazing running family
You do this your way... I agree with the comments in the other posts; I agree particularly with AvatheGardener ... if you have chance... head out there. It is wonderful.
Forget, as she says, anyone else. When you head out, with the programme and you begin to follow it, slowly and very, very steadily, as the weeks progress,you will just lose yourself and your fears of being a spectacle. There is so much out there!
The running can be about so many things, besides the run; (see lots of posts on this)...I have never run on a treadmill, so cannot comment on that...it has to be what is right for you.. and that is the point.
Maybe... if you have some suitable areas to run outdoors... you could give it a try, but whatever you decide, keep posting.. we will all help and support you... all the way!
Just think, as the saying goes.. if people are rude to you, then they reveal who they are, not who you are.
Just to make you giggle, you do get high spots out there too... ( Read my post...I'm running backwards... I made a chap's day !!! )

I did the entire programme on a treadmill...don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it! Some people think it's easier than running outdoors since you don't have to propel yourself forward because of the belt. Others think it's harder because it really is quite monotonous. They're both right, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. I can tell you from personal experience that I am fitter and have lost inches because of the programme, done entirely on a treadmill.
Also, don't worry about hills at all. I added hills for the first time 3 weeks after graduation, once I'd built my stamina enough to run for 30 minutes 3 times a week and was looking to add a little extra to the run. During the programme just concentrate on putting in the time, nothing else. Good luck!

Loads of people have done it on a treadmill. It's supposed to be slightly easier than running outside, or lets say it's a completely different running technique. If it gets you fit and you enjoy it, just go for it - you won't regret it!
Outside running is more fun though because of the distractions. If you're worried about being seen can you run early in the morning when there's no one about? Dog walkers are very friendly and don't tend to heckle - they're the only people I see on my early runs! And really after the first couple of times you discover that nobody is really interested. I've never been heckled - in fact quite the opposite, people have been very encouraging!
Whatever you choose, keep posting in here - we'll encourage you!

It can be done indoors on your treadmill. I did week 1 on my treadmill but it was so boring that I ventured out and ran in my local park. I was pretty surprised that no one even noticed me,M there are so many runners out now of all ages, shapes and sizes. I have not been on my treadmill since and love exploring the great outdoors. Julie

Hi and welcome to the couch to 5k forum and programme, I would say it's entirely up to you, I started out on a treadmill, I did 3 weeks of the programme (roughly about 3-4 months) on a treadmill, I then progressed to running around a grass field for around 3 weeks of the programme (around 2-3months) and then did my last 3 weeks of the programme on the roads/streets around my area, some people run 100% of their programme on the treadmill where as others do it soley on pavements and roads, this will be your journy so what ever you feel comfortable with,
the programme is 9 weeks but don't worry if you don't feel comfortable or you struggle on one week and have to repeat it, take it at your own pace, my couch 2 5k journey took me just over 11 months but others will only need 9 weeks, so don't worry if you can't move on to the next week because you don't feel ready, we'll be hear to answer any of your questions, worries, achievements etc,
Take care,
Siobhan x

Welcome Aimeide. The program is great and it really works inside or out or a mixture of both. Good advice from everyone on here especially amateur writer..
Good luck, go slowly and let us know how you get on. 😊

As everyone has said, you can do the programme any way you want.
Please don't base your decisions on inside / outside on what others may think - most people either don't notice runners at all, or are supportive. I started skulking around in the dark for similar reasons, until the sheer joy of daylight, sunshine, spring bursting into life got me to 'out myself'. I was really surprised when a lady I didn't know came up to me when I was stretching after a run in about W6 to say she had seen me several times and was really impressed with my commitment and with how much I was improving.
I meet all sorts of people when I am out - fast ones, slow ones, young ones, old ones, all sorts of shapes and sizes - but they are all runners.
Take a look at "This girl can", if you haven't seen it before.