I've been doing mine outside ( and while pushing a dbl stroller!) and am on week 4 day 3. I find it hard. the 5 mins.. im so done by the end of it! BUT I know when running in the past on the treadmill, it was soooo much easier then outside. Thoughts? Is this program made for on the treadmill? What do you all do???
Do most people run outside or on the treadmill? - Couch to 5K
Do most people run outside or on the treadmill?

I ran whole program outside and pushed buggy at start but once runs started getting longer was too hard with buggy so then just ran when I could x

I differ did the programme on the dreadmill ... Only because I've had spinal surgery and it's more forgiving than the great outdoors - it has it's pluses when it's cold dark and wet but I'd rather be outside - I tend to go when a cookery programme is on the idiot box and run whilst looking at wonderful food ! For me it works you can change the gradient compete with other members and watch the eye candy but best of all I compete with the young slender kids who don't have a hair out of place full make up and designer kit just love it when this 51 year old over weight woman beats them hollow ..... Give it a try it doesn't matter where you run just keep off the couch x

I did the programme outside but now its too dark to run when I get home so I joined a gym to use their treadmills. This is also good cos i can cross train on my rest days with cycling and weights.
I hated the treadmill when I started but its great for intervals. Once it gets lighter in the nights I'll be back to running outside for my longer runs
I would suggest trying a bit of both and whatever works for you is best
Good luck!

Hi I have just completed the whole course on the dreadmill.We have a large telly on the wall so I watch the news or morning tv whilst running, and as a redfacewoman said its a laugh when you get the posers down there with all the makeup on and they sit on exercise bikes talking on their mobile phones.Great sense of satisfaction that you can wop them.Im 62so the treadmill has been good for my joints and I have had no trouble with them.It has also kept me out of the pollution.I live in a busy place.We have one or two mums with sleeping or awake babies and we put children's progs on the telly.I am now moving onto interval training which it is great for?Best of luck with you're running.Keep posting x

I did the whole of the program outside.
I joined a gym when the weather got warm and did some runs on the treadmill.
Now I do one long run a week outside at my own pace, one 5k run either in or out, and one 30 minute run inside where I up the pace by 0.2k/h each time.
This enabled me to achieve5.5 miles on my 55th birthday!
I'm now aiming to be sub 30 mins for 5k by my 56th!
My point is if you mix it up, the results can be great!
Try both and see what suits you and good luck! x

I did the whole programme outside and am enjoying it. At 54 and never run b4 quite an achievement. 5km is taking me 50min but hope to improve to 30min by my birthday in may.

I did the whole programme outside too. I think I would be able to run faster on a treadmill but the benefits of putting on my shoes and heading straight out is one of the main appeals for me. Means the whole thing takes about 45 minutes which suits me fine. I am not sure what I will do when the ice and snow comes though!
Well done for going with the buggy!

I am on week 9 now and have done all outside. I read somewhere that if you set the incline in the treadmill to between 1.5 and 2 it is similar to running outside. Good luck with the programme
I'm an outside runner. Tried the treadmill, but find it really unpleasant and my head is spinning when I get off.

I live in Ghana most of tbe year its so hot I do all my C25k training on the treadmill. Occasional outside 3 runs prior to my first 5k run/race. Loved running races outside can go a little faster and further, the routes planned etc for me its a wonderful reward for all my hardwork. PS. On my post graduation run I was with a German lady with a buggy and 4 months pregnant. I did manage to stay a head of her and the Japanese man with his 5 years old just. Kudos to all ruining with a +1
I run outside, nothing like the fresh, bracing air. It's also cheaper.

I have done 99% of mine on a treadmill and still do i have it on max incline think its about 3% thats all it has its a manual incline, The reason for this with me was i was body conscious at the start very over weight, and easier with the little ones around not having to get some one to mind them for a hour or
My treadmill was given to me it did need some tlc but nothing major so no cost their for me had it 12 months now, keep an eye on the freecycle networks thats where i got mine from

I run outside because part of the fun is being out in the countryside, enjoying the views. However, I'm considering the treadmill for the dark nights. I must say; I'm not looking forward to the whole treadmill experience! I imagine I'll find it difficult to get the correct speed and, also, that I'll get frustrated staring at the same wall in a gym for half an hour :/

personally I prefure the treadmill no nasty wind attacking your throat and lovely air conditioning then again the treadmill at my gym overlooks the pool so i can always spy on everyone swimming below which entertains me for an hour or so =]

Up until recently I was running outside however as the weather is changing and the mornings are getting darker I was concerned that I might ue this as an excuse not to go out so I've joined the gym. This means I can go at any time and not be put off by the rain etc and will probably do more to get my money's worth !!