Sofa has 'C25K Police Aware' tape all over it. - Couch to 5K

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Sofa has 'C25K Police Aware' tape all over it.

Slookie profile image
27 Replies

Without warning my butt this morning (in case it took fright, no one wants a fearful ... oh anyway), I dragged it off the sofa, tried on the training shoes and called in here for inspiration and some sort of virtual hurf to keep me from sitting back down again. The first post I tripped over was Hilbean's report about her Anglesey run which was just the tonic needed. (Top post that Hilbean and top photo)

So, back from my first run in about 15 months I could just manage 3 mins slow, 1.5 mins walk, rinse repeat until 25 minutes were up + 5 mins each end for warm hupdowns, which I suppose is about Run 1 Week 3, so that's the week I will start from on Wednesday. I have been doing 3+ classes a week at the gym but not especially aerobic so although muscle tone is slightly better than it could be, lungs feel like those of a chain-smoker with flu.

Feels tougher than it did (duh!) and I sound like a dray horse just back in work after a lay off, but it does feel good to have made a start. Right, where did I leave me iPod? Oh, and what have Apple done with all my tunes?

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Slookie profile image
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27 Replies
Irishprincess profile image

Welcome back Slookie. I remember you and your fab sense of humour! Well done in getting back to it. As you've done it before you'll fly through this time. Cut through that yellow tape and go girl!

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Hello! Thanks for the encouragement - feeling very motivated. I would cut the tape but I have had all sharp things removed for my own safety after that incident with the husband's new kitchen knife. The very special best one now has a bent tip - perhaps I have been removed from the knife drawer for their safety not mine? Anyway, if the tape puts up any trouble I will just call in the IP-prize-winning lifter/shifter, it wouldn't dare give her any trouble!

Tomas profile image

You've made a start, and that's all that really matters now. Well done you for getting back into things, and do keep us up to date with how you're getting on.

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to Tomas

Thanks Tomas. I had forgotten just how supportive everyone here is. I will remember that at c.week 8 when it starts to bite a bit!

misswobble profile image

Slookie! Where the heck have you been missus? We've missed you!!!!!!

Anyway, no matter, you're back now. Lots to catch up on ......... lovely to see you shug x

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to misswobble

Thanks MissW, I missed you all too. It is good to be back and good to have a goal just for me and not the rest of the world. I think last time we 'met' you were all aglow with a medal and everything for running some enormous distance and looking very, very unwobbly. Hope its still going well. x

AncientMum profile image

Slookie!!!! Welcome back, m'dear. So good to hear from you. It won't be long before you're back out there knocking out 5ks like a good 'un again. You've made a great start' the rest is just practice :)

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Cooee AM! Are you in fine fettle? Ooer, 5k sounds like an awfy long way now. Will satisfy myself with a few laps of the footie field for now, but lovely thought to get a 5k going in the not to distant future.

Hello and great to see you again Slookie, funny enough I was thinking we hadn't seen you for a while.

Welcome back :)

Hope you sorted your Apple world :D

Look forward to seeing progress reports :)

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to

Wot-ho Not-so-slow-Rob! Hope you are well and thanks for the lovely welcome, makes me feel almost famous, given my own relatives probably have trouble remembering who I am! Should visit more often.

I have been an Apple fan since 1986. My patience is beginning to fade. Seems I can no longer play my DVDs on iMac since I upgraded to Yosemite and fluff only knows what will happen when I put the new El Crapitan on there. [sighs dramatically].

poppypug profile image

Hey Ooop ! Its mi old mucker !!

How are you Slookie ? Its good to see you back on here , you gave us so many laughs last time .

Right Sista, step away from the Violet Creams , ( even better, pass them over to me ha ha ) and lets do this thang ! :-)

Good Luck this time around, you did it once, you can do it again ! :-) xxx

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to poppypug

Is that you Pops? Really? Oh so glad I bumped into you, or I was until you threaten my violent creams. Is it possible to run, operate an in-ear Laura device and hold box of violet/rose creams? Nah, time to put them back in the pantry.

See you on the track Pops and thank you so much for the encouragement.

(Is that piccie a real Pug? In black[and pink and blue]? Had no idea they could be that colour. It's very cute)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Slookie

Ha ha , you and your Violent Creams :-)

Yep its a real baby pug ! Cute innit ?

Its good to have you back on board Slooks :-) xxx

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to poppypug

OMG, that really is cute. Is it your baby pug? If I didn't have three miscreants already I would be so tempted. Not seen anything that cute since Freddy Mercury did that song about his motorbike in all that leather. But that was a different kind of cute.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Slookie

Sadly no , I wish it was ! It takes cuteness to a whole new level ! :-) xxx

aliboo70 profile image

Welcome back slookie! you'll soon be back in the swing of things, nice to have you back here :)

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Thanks Aliboo, am looking forward to being back in the swing rather than being the swingy thing. Feels a bit selfish in the midst of chaos to trundle off with Laura but, Horlix I say. A gal needs to skip about now and again!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to Slookie

Definitely!! Sometime you need a bit of time to yourself and that Laura voice to motivate! Enjoy your skip around, nice way of putting it-skipping is fun! 😆

Anniemurph profile image

Nice to see you again, Slookie! Welcome back - I'm sure you will motor on through the programme this time round without any problems whatsoever. After all, you know you can do it :)

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Thank you AnnieM. Lovely to see you here cheering on those who have taken a small detour off the tracks!

misswobble profile image

Speaking of Pugs and all things running, I have a certain little mascot I have to take with me to my race on Sunday. I have the little guy in tow for a week or two apparently

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to misswobble

Aw Miss W , you've got Harry Boy again !

Ah you will do even better in your race with him cheering you on from the sidelines, clapping his little pug paws in delight ! Ha ha :-D xxx

misswobble profile image

I might even get a photo this time. OH is notoriously stingy with his photo taking. You get one if you're lucky. Pffftt!

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to misswobble

Oh MW we really have to have a photo, it's the sort of thing to inspire a chap and keep her moving along. Not the pug though. 3 dogs are (more than) enough and really can't be subjected to industrial levels of temptation.

poppypug profile image

Yes ! We definitely need a photo of you in action ! :-) xxx

Curlygurly2 profile image

Welcome home xxx

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Thanks Curly! Just back from my W3R2 and enjoying the ride.

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