Sunday's run: I did my write up on GarminConnect... - Couch to 5K

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Sunday's run

hilbean profile image
27 Replies

I did my write up on GarminConnect on Sunday but lost it all. :( I did a rewrite for myself and have now decided that I should share it :D It was a wonderful run and so this is a long post alert!

I woke feeling enthused at the thought of my long run. Opening the fridge I realised, with disappointment, that there was no milk for my morning coffee. What a terrible oversight! I sufficed with squash and changed into my running clothes with the feeling that it just wasn't enough. As I readied to leave I caught a glimpse of light across the garden. My wonderful neighbour (who also happens to be my daughter) was up so I scurried across the gardens, with jug in hand, begging for a drop of milk. Back home I stood looking out of the window with coffee in one hand and toast in the other contemplating how painful this downpour of hail would have been and how fortunate my seemingly unfortunate start to the day had been. The hail shower stopped as I finished my coffee. How fortuitous!

Halfway through the warm up walk it started to drizzle and my Garmin, reluctant to pick up signal, refused to kick in until I was at least 0.5k into my run. Ah well. I looked across the straits to the mountains but the cloud cover was too low. Bare trees were poking up through the remnants of autumnal colours on the opposite bank heralding the advent of winter while geese stood silent on the foreshore. Only the scolding of a jay broke the air as I passed beneath his tree. Looking back towards Anglesey there was a solitary white cloud haloed by blue showing a touch of promise in the otherwise dark sky. I kept to the main road surprised at the number of cars that suddenly appeared on a quiet Sunday morning, passing with a swish as the spray rose in the air, glad that the rain had eased and for the still air that saved me from a soaking. I passed a group of jolly runners going in the opposite direction, dry hair swishing gently as they ran.

Over the footbridge and into the haven of the quiet lanes it started to drizzle again. I passed the footpath sign that had led to another adventure. No bear hunt for me today. On the hedgebanks golden bracken bowed heavily under the weight of the water, droplets hanging off each frond. The clouds lifted but no sun to make them sparkle in the light. As the road turned towards the mountains I could see the skirt of snow beneath the tops that were still shrouded by cloud. The once solitary white cloud was slowly making its way across to the mountains, joined by a small retinue and more splashes of blue. The once solid dark sky was becoming mottled with varying shades of grey and now, with no views, as I ran down the high hedged lane a streak of sunlight breaking through a gateway beckoned me on and there it was, that involuntary gasp as the white mountains were revealed in all their glory before the clouds dropped and that wonderful Welsh drizzle began once more. A flock of small birds twittered their way down the lane in front of me pausing every so often in the hedge. Blue tits or similar I thought, but no, that didn't seem quite right and I just couldn't seem to quite catch sight of them properly. And then... there they were, right beside me moving in a way that blue tits don't. I stopped to look and stare and they were goldcrests! On I ran with the biggest of grins on my face. What a wonderful run this was. Soaked to the skin and grinning like a buffoon I must have looked a real sight but I didn't care. This was one of those magical runs that happens every so often and I was on a real high.

Back into civilisation I headed towards home and as I got closer I had that sudden realisation that I had made good time and that if I just ran around the streets on the estate a bit I just might get a PB for 10K. And I did. What a wonderful finish to a glorious run. If I hadn't stopped to look at the goldcrests I reckon I would have done it in under an hour but I wouldn't change that moment for the world. 10K in 1hr 32 seconds.

Added to that, when I had finished my warm down stretches and furnished myself with a nice warm drink I looked out of the window to another downpour of hail. How lucky was that! What a wonderful start to the day!

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hilbean profile image
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27 Replies
poppypug profile image

Morning Hilly ! Oh I LOVE reading your posts .

You describe everything so beautifully , its like we are there with you . You have the soul of a poet and your words conjure up the most wonderful pictures , absolutely brilliant !

Well done on the PB too , what a fantastic run ! xxx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to poppypug

Aw thanks PP xxx

Irishprincess profile image

Oh that sounds gorgeous hilbean. You do see some wonderful sights on your runs and well done on the PB. ''Twas clearly a special run. x

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

It really was one of those most special of runs. One of the best I've had :) xx

Tomas profile image

I love, love, love your descriptions. And I'm totally with you - sod the seconds ticking away when in exchange for a bit of time you can get birds and an experience like this. Beautiful! Congrats on the PB even despite the pause.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Tomas

Thanks Tomas. It was so lovely to see those little birds and so many of them all together too!

davelinks profile image

Hi, good post!

To have the Garmin track from the off, stand stationary outside with Garmin for a few minutes and let it locate satellites, just before you set off.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to davelinks

Thanks dave. I don't usually have an issue with the Garmin but for some reason it just doesn't seem to like that particular stretch of road. Did another run yesterday with the same start point and started it off earlier and it was absolutely fine :)

Ullyrunner profile image

Hi Hilly, sounds like a magical run and you describe things so wonderfully. There is a poet in you. So glad to hear you sounding so very upbeat. What a wonderful gift this running is! X

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

Thanks Ully. It certainly is on days like this. I'm still smiling about this one two days later :)

Zev1963 profile image

Wonderful post Hilbean :)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Zev1963

Thanks Zev :)

AncientMum profile image

Another classic post, Hil, just lovely. You have a real way with words and a good eye for spotting the beauty in the everyday. I'm so jealous of your encounter with the goldcrests -what a magical moment. Congratulations on your very impressive PB too, you're on a role xx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Aw thanks Carrie. Those goldcrests were a real bonus. Had me grinning virtually all the way home :D And that PB just topped off a perfect run :) xx

Oldfloss profile image

Sounds beautiful... I love North Wales... Many happy hours spent camping, climbing and walking in Snowdonia....a very long time ago! Still swim off the beach near Tudweiliog on the Llyn Peninsula whenever I get the chance.

Lucky you living and running in such a beautiful area.

Your run sounds to have been idyllic, what a picture you paint with your words; I could almost feel the Welsh drizzle on my face... and there is absolutely nothing else like Welsh drizzle.

Hopefully I will be able to get to the level you are at now.. it seems an awfully long way from Week six.. but I am sure I will do it, with lovely people like you spurring me on! :)

Thanks for sharing your run.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you! I absolutely love where I live. I am so, so lucky! Ah, the Welsh drizzle. Nothing quite like it anywhere else is there ;)

You will get there too. Just keep going and let your love of running grow as I'm sure it will do. Your posts sound like your hooked already ;) You're only 3 weeks from gradation now! xx

AniaParky profile image

That sounds like a pretty cool start to the day. Loved the read H.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to AniaParky

Thanks Ania. You just can't beat a good run :)

AniaParky profile image
AniaParkyGraduate in reply to hilbean

I missed having a good run for the last couple of weeks but yesterday was a good one for me again. So reading your post made it double joy. 😀

aliboo70 profile image

Sounds juust perfect! Lovely post hilbean and brilliant PB too😊

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Thanks aliboo. One of my most favourite of runs :)

goonkeepgoing profile image

That sounds wonderful - thank you so much for sharing. Congratulations on that cracking PB too. Who cares about the seconds when you have the delights of nature. Remembering those details means you'll remember which run was the PB and it becomes an experience rather than a time ;)

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to goonkeepgoing

Thank you! I think that's why I like writing up my runs afterwards. It's like it helps to imprint it on your brain and as you say the it's an experience rather than just a time and this is one run I will remember with fondness because it was just one of those really special runs. The PB was just the icing on the cake :)

How magical. It makes me so happy to read about the wonderful things you see on your runs, Hilary. And even more so to see that it brings you such joy :) Thank you so much for sharing! Please never stop :) xx

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to

Aw thank you! xx

Jeleybelly profile image

Your descriptions are just wonderful, you are such a good writer.

We were over in Llandudno on Saturday looking over at the snow topped mountains of Snowdonia, it really is a lovely part of the world.

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to Jeleybelly

Thanks jb! I'm so, so lucky to live here :)

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