Have just had an email about the Leeds MoRun I'm doing in a couple of weeks saying that much of the route is on trails and will be muddy, so trail shoes are advised. I don't own trail shoes!! I normally run on roads in Asics gel nimbus and do Parkrun on grass in my old Mizuno Waveriders. The grip on the Mizunos isn't great as they've done a fair few km now. What do you reckon I should do? Risk it with the Mizunos or buy and risk running in new trail shoes? 😱😱😱😱😱
Advice please, running chums: Have just had an... - Couch to 5K
Advice please, running chums

Hi AM! i got these ones and they have been comfy right from the start and not rubbed, and not too expensive with good grip. Depends if you have enough time to get them and try them out, maybe i wouldn't wear news shoes on race day just incase . I got a half size bigger.
not sure if this is helpful or not!! ??!!
Thanks Ali. You've hit my dilemma in one - I have 1 Parkrun before the actual race and not sure that's enough to try out shoes for a race. Having said that, the ones you posted do look good. Decisions decisions xx
I can't comment on trail shoes as I run in the city. Having said that i think you might need to invest in a pair for your ankle. You don't want to muddy up your new ones and by the sound of it you might need the grip and support, best be safe is my motto. Plus you might enjoy it and keep it up! As you say you can give them a whirl on the park run.
I don't know much anything about shopping for a pair so it will be interesting to see what people say.
Now which ones to get...
Vix, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are a very bad influence!
Now if you think about it a coat and new trainers are both essential items!! Trainers for your poorly ankle, you need to milk that for a bit longer me thinks. A coat...well it is winter. You need a coat it's not a option in the uk. I mean who needs food, electricity and gas 😁 Happy birthday btw...when is it or did I miss it being mentioned on here.?
Now you're just being naughty!! 'Twas my birthday earlier in the month, so thank you for your good wishes. I've been deliberating about coats for a couple of weeks, but now I'm deliberating about new shoes and a trip to the dry cleaners for the old coat! xx

If you bought a pair today/tomorrow you'd have two weeks to run them in which should be fine for the race. You don't want to be going over on that ankle again AM but if you can get to a specialist running shop you should ask their advice too.
My old Brooks Adrenalines were suitable for trails and road running and my current Nike Zooms do both too, certainly at my level of mileage.

Oooh yes that is a bit of a dilemma, I think yes that you should definitely get some so that you have extra support for your ankle , its just " breaking them in " in time for the run isn't it ?
Like IP says though , you have 2 weeks ,so maybe if you wore them around the house on a night just so your feet get used to them and then wear them at parkrun ?
Aarrgh , sorry EM I don't know what type to suggest. Ive got some Adidas Kanadia's but the Karrimor ones look good and are not too pricey xxx
Cheers Pops, I've heard good things about the Kanadias. I like your idea of wearing new shoes around the house to break them in, I just don't like the idea of forking out for more shoes. However, I dislike the idea of face planting in the mud, or worse still, picking up another injury, even more! Aaaagh, don't know what to do!!! 😧
I know EM ((( ))) Im trying to think where theres steps at Tempsy, its years since Ive been , I know there is a lot of wooded areas there , hence the trail shoes. Hmmm..... Pah ! xxx
Thankfully, it seems that the steps were a false alarm -phew!!! Hubby says I should donate the price of trail shoes to Prostate Cancer UK and not run at all. Logically that's the right thing to do but have been looking forward to the race and seeing the family. I'm feeling very conflicted now. Don't you just hate a logical man, lol

I'd go with the Mizuno's. If you're not gonna run trails again that is
If it's hellishly muddy you'll struggle in any shoes!

I think there are steps on this run too.
Good luck x
Eek! There were steps last year but that was at Roundhay Park. Was hoping there wouldn't be any this year because they've moved the venue. Last year the steps really sorted out the wheat from the chaff. Sadly, I was chaff. Was kinda hoping to be wheat this year, lol

You don't want any injury. But you do like new running gear. Why procrastinate - you know as well as I do that in the end you'll go out and buy a new pair of shoes
Look at this this way, shoes only have a finite number of miles in them so they are consumables that need to be replaced regularly. If you get another pair of shoes now you are just adding to the stock of miles you have in your shoes, you will need to buy those miles at some point so why not now? Supresses evil grin and slinks into the corner

I recently bought some Adidas Kanadias and they weren't too expensive. The Karrimor ones felt very comfy but hurt my toes when I ran around in the shop. Have bought them because Parkrun got so muddy at one point in the winter I thought I shouldn't go if it rained. So possibly you would get use of them there and can follow Poppy's breaking in plans. So good to spend other people's money.
Not sure if Sweatshop are still doing their 10% off for parkrunners so might be worth taking your barcode - if you go of course!!!!

Trail shoes = more off road runs = good thing
Although my new shoes today were wellies and I ran in those....