I went to Runners Need as they have lovely shoes in their sale The assistant was really helpful and wanted me to have my gait tested. It was my first time on a treadmill, and to be fair I was rubbish on it ! The important thing is, it did not show a correct gait analysis as my run was not my natural run. It showed me forefoot striking, Luckily she was really switched on and I am a Podiatrist so she decided it was not a reliable method so instead I am taking my shoes in to see where they wear and to run in the shop for my gait analysis !! The moral of this tale 'Gait analysis is not 100% reliable
Treadmill Gait Test: I went to Runners Need as... - Couch to 5K
Treadmill Gait Test

I have been wondering about this...

Well the good thing is that she was on the ball enough to say. I do wonder about if we run differently on the treadmill ? I just bought another pair of same ones i have been wearing - i am too afraid to change now.
They almost need a testing station at your local athletics track, don't they? I suppose the problem with that is they may want a camera from the side, and that would be tricky outside.
One thing I remember vaguely is someone who put sensors at strategic points on a runner, and captured the positions of those into a 3D model. I think that was done outdoors. It was a bit like the old motion capture they used to do for animated movies.

I thought I ran the same on treadmill or road, my gait analysis showed over pronation on the video clip, with the neutral shoes the shop wanted me to use..

It is probably fairly accurate for over pronation, I can diagnose that when someone walks bare foot in my surgery. For me it was the forefoot strike that was wrong and if the assistant and I weren't switched on I could of ended up with inappropriate shoes ! We also had a good chat about supportive shoes for neutral gait. I chose my cheap Karrimor trail shoes for their support and now realise as I am neutral they could throw me the other way !!

In our local running shop there is no treadmill and the guy watches you walk and run up and down the shop. He knew better than me if a pair of shoes was right or not. Love my SAucony's on my third pair! So hope you get sorted.

I had gait analysis on a treadmill and was told I was a heel striker, flat footed (wrong) and needed support shoe. Went back same shop, same treadmill and a different assistant a few days later to be told I was neutral.