On holiday in the algarve. Third day here and I thought I had better try and run a bit. I kind of miss not running now.!! Its all hills where we are so not expecting much off I went at 8.30 am . sun and blue sky. Lovely. Going down a slope to a flat bit of road was nice but then hills and lots of upand down. I managed just over 3 k before I drowned in my own sweat. Still I got out and did a bit. Will try earlier next time. Need a rest by the pool now. X x
First run on holiday: On holiday in the algarve... - Couch to 5K
First run on holiday

Sounds good! Any run is better than no run at all. I recently ran on holiday and it wasn't fast or far but I was still pleased that I did it. Enjoy your holiday! It's chucking it down here! X 😀

I tried to run in Lanzarote, but like you gave up after a few miles, was getting too hot, am not keen on running in the heat, so gave up on it till I got back home.
The best time to run is probably early morning in warm climates.
Enjoy the rest of your hols...😃

Mornin' Samson, ooooh the Algarve , fab !
Well done for getting out there in the heat , cant've been easy running in that xxx

I will try again. Never a quitter. But so different from running in Oxfordshire.!!!

Ooh maybe we're neighbours as I'm in the Algarve on holiday too - Dunas douradas and yes it's hot! I can only manage short, very slow runs and then, like you, collapse in the pool. 730 am is a good time as its actually quite pleasant but I'm not good at getting up so early! I should go out this pm but it's 29 degrees at the minute so trying to find lots of shade!
Have a great holiday.