Nice and slow recovery run...: Firstly - an... - Couch to 5K

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Nice and slow recovery run...

10 Replies

Firstly - an important announcement. I graduated in May - you will note the time above says 5K in 35 minutes... for all new graduates and those on the programme... listen carefully... the goal is "30 minutes running"... Not all of us (indeed not too many of us) have cracked that 30 min 5K (I've done it once or twice) but that's not important at all... the important bit is I ran for 35 minutes... non-stop... after a 10K race at the weekend (again over 30 min per 5K)... enjoy yourselves folks... it's not really a race ya know!

Right - now - back to normal service ----

Good morning folks - Aussie here reporting in. So, after the heat and sweat of Saturday's race I decided (as did the friendly recovery adviser on the Garmin 620) that it was about time to get back out there. As I've got about 28-29 weeks to train for the "Hampton Court Half" that's also quite a bit of motivation...

So, one thing I like to do is read.. anything really... but lately it's been "running stuff". One of the things I was reading was about "recovery runs" and how these were meant to be enjoyable, relaxing and comfortable runs (well, okay they just used the word comfortable). In essence the article was saying that a good recovery run should be about 30 sec/km slower than your normal pace and that this was a great way to condition your muscles/heart/lungs/etc... and especially good after a race where you'd pushed the boat out and gone hard... and how important they were in your training plans as they help maintain and improve fitness but stopped you getting too tired and/or risking injury by overworking...

Well, at about 7:30 this morning (nice and cool now - LOVELY) and with the trusty Garmin strapped to my wrist and the HRM strapped to my chest I set out this morning to do a nice, slow 5K recovery run... with the intent of keeping my HR below 170 for most of the run (I still don't run with timing information on the Garmin - not yet - it's not important right now)...

This interestingly resulted in a few things:

1) My speed was about 30 seconds slower per km than a "normal day" over 5K - excellent result!

2) The run was SO much more enjoyable - so much more relaxed and could concentrate on breathing..

3) I felt like I could keep going for miles... Slow and steady does win the race...

4) Garmin recovery adviser now only says "20 hour recovery required" - confirming this was a more relaxed run

5) My VO2 Max estimate on the Garmin went up TWO notches today! Woohoo... it thinks I'm getting fitter!

6) I did get bored in the last km and did some "Fartleking about"... that was great fun! Short sprints and then slow jog until HR returned to <170 and then another sprint... great stuff! Loved it...

The BUPA HM training plan I'm looking at working through is a 12 week plan that involves 4 runs per week. As I've got more than double that amount of time, I'm going to work on a 3 runs/week plan (1 slow recovery run, 1 faster short run, 1 long slow run) for 6-8 weeks and see what time/distance that gets me to... From there it'll just be a matter of logging the miles on the feet prior to the Hampton Court Half... my goal is to run the whole way in under 2:15... there - I've said it! :)

Happy running folks - I had a lovely run today and I hope you all have a great day too!

10 Replies
GettingFitter profile image

Great post Aussie - recovery run is a great concept I might take the next one as that. My training effect today was 4.5 which is less than 5 so I am very chuffed. I also took it steady today and it was really enjoyable in the sun, not too hot and the hills just disappeared under my feet.

Have a great day too - fantastic start

in reply to GettingFitter

3.4 for me today... :) Isn't it great when it's "just fun"... Have a good one!

Thanks KK... still smiling over doing that 10K in THAT heat alright! :)

And beyond the usual aches after a hard run - touch wood - the body is not protesting too much over this running lark nowadays which is nice!

As an aside, that 7:38 kilometre is a weird one... on my usual route there's stretch of straight road leading up to Ham Gate in Richmond Park... it's almost a mile long I think... every single time I run that stretch of road it's my slowest kilometre - doesn't matter what time of day, whether it's at the start or end of a run, whether I'm on a short run or a long run.... it just must be the sheer boredom of it! :)

Have a good day - it's nice and warm out there now - glad I've "done my run" for today... :)

dozzer19 profile image
dozzer19Graduate in reply to

Hey, Aussie good work. I'm never going to reach such levels. I have completed my triathlon though. You are going to complete aren't you. Let me know.

in reply to dozzer19

Bike ride planned for tomorrow - 10K... :)

Swimming may involve sloshing about in the pool with the kids - but YES!

dozzer19 profile image
dozzer19Graduate in reply to

That's what I like to hear!

misswobble profile image

Great run report Aussie! Have you been doing 4 runs a week ?

I started them but soon had to stop as it was killing me. My ankles and knees were not keeping up with the rest of me so I went back to three days. Just be aware that it will be harder and take more of a toll on your body. Your skeleton has to be able to support the extra runs. Make sure it is!

dozzer19 profile image
dozzer19Graduate in reply to misswobble

Second Lieutentant misswobble, have I missed your Dozz-ville Challenge Award For The Discombulated completed post? Let me know, it's extended to 9/8/14 so you can still fit it in.

in reply to misswobble

Not running 4 days a week yet Miss W. I will stick to 3 runs/week for the next 6-8 weeks before stepping up to 4/week if my body lets me. I have LOADS of time to train for the HM and 3 runs/week for now fits nicely with the rest of my life... :)

I've learnt not to be too silly with stepping up too quick now... :)

misswobble profile image

Hi Dozz

I clocked a rowing machine on our local park today, well at least that's what I think it looks like. There was a kid dressed as Batman using it so I daren't kick him off cos he might have kicked my ass

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