Really struggling with the hills in France , failed miserable today ,ended up running for 10 mins and walking for a bit then running again . Not enjoying it one bit . Don't know what to do now , I suppose interval running will have to do for a while . I'm here for 2 months which is great but not good for the running ,see how I feel next run
Wk 7 r 2: Really struggling with the hills in... - Couch to 5K
Wk 7 r 2

I struggle where I live with hills ( can't avoid them and I'm not getting in car to drive to flatness!). So I alter my mindset a bit. They must be doing me good even if they take me longer and wreck my distance/time figures. But I am still out there, my legs are still working and I have to run down them again. Small steps, I don't focus on how far it is to the top, and I don't beat myself up. It's still more exercise than I used to do. Enjoy France!
Hills are your friend! Come and live in the Pennines - every route is up where I live. Make them your friend and they will reward you in fantastic ways. Adjust your pace to shorter paces, slower speed, take your time and work at finding your uphill rhythm. Why do you think other runners and cyclists are all over hills? Give yourself a few runs even a few weeks - you are there for a while after all and in a short time you'll be steadily climbing them building your confidence and belief. After a couple of weeks of this you'll find you adjust, build your strength and stamina and you'll start building your distance.
Focus on the view and the sensory experience of hill running. Be happy with shorter distances to start with. My starting run is only 2k - its well enough! Short and repeatable, then build up the distance, let your time take care of itself. You are so so fortunate to be where you are so make the most of it.
When I talk to people about cycling up here they all go on about the hills and how bad it must be and how hard it must be, they focus on the negative and they just don't get it. I'm just next to the Cote de Holm Moss and even before the Tour its was a mecca for cyclists these days its getting to be a place to avoid at weekends as you can get a couple of sportif rides going over it at the same time (2000+) riders - every Sunday!
These guys know the secret - hills are our friends. The challenges are in our heads and there is an approach to discover. You are so lucky! Stand at the top and you'll be the most powerful person in the known universe!
I don't see any problem in getting in the car to look for some flat land. Hills on C25k can be a real turn-off. There's no need to be gung-ho about hills. Hills are ankle crockers and will sap your vavavoom. Hills will still be there after graduation and when you've had time to build up that bod!
For C25k a bit of flat is heaven-sent. I live in a hilly area too and was put out early into the programme by running up The Hill of Death. Who wants a crocked ankle as a memento!
Hi Dessie, have you tried adjusting your pace? I have a few hills on my route and yes they are hard, but I go really really *really* slow. They get a bit easier with time I've noticed and now I tackle them just really slow!
As Andrew has said they will help in the long run. My friend's usual route is hilly and she's a ninja when it comes to a flat route!

I did C25K in a hilly part of France too, you have to slow down, then slow down again. Could you have run 10 mins even on the flat seven weeks ago? I doubt it, give yourself a massive pat on the back for getting this far. Where are you?
In the Dordoine,a little hamlet called le Perrier, thanks for words of encouragement, I will not be beaten
If it's any consolation, this is where I live - Cordes-Sur-Ciel....
Picking up on what Curlygirly has pointed out: You ran "ONLY" 10 minutes? Stop and think about that, and visit your memories of Week1. Look what's happened to you.

Unfortunately - hills are a bit of a "nuisance" while you are trying to keep to the strict requirements of C25K - it IS much better if you can avoid them somehow until you have finished C25K. But even after that , you are going to have to learn to cope with them when running-non-stop - and the answer to that is that you will have to stop and walk sometimes when they get too steep or too long!!
Slow down, enjoy the landscape, enjoy your runs and the hills will start shrinking soon, I promise.

I do remember our holiday in the Coachella Valley at La Quinta in California earlier this year - it was a beautiful desert region with running paths though also beautiful houses with gardens designed for the desert climate - lovely!!
BUT -- my only running route was a 3Klm path downhill - which of course meant a 3 klm uphill on the way home. So - regardless of whether I ran short or long - I was always faced with this 3Klm uphill on the way home. I tried everything - I ran slowly - I shortened stride - I attacked it and ran fast until I almost burst! But regardless what I did, it never went away. I finished up walking it back - I called it my "cool down walk" :)- as in " stranger passing by" Hi, been having a run?? " Reply by me " Yes - had a really nice run - just having a cooling down walk now!!

Awww keep your chin up whatever you manage to do is better than not doing anything!! Remember just 6 weeks ago - you'd never have believed you could run for 10 mins - never mind 25!! Sending hugs

Many many thanks to all you out there for the tips and encouragement. after my despondency this morning I've turned my head around and feel positive again .Days rest from running and I'll be off again looking for the buzz