I have just entered a 5km fun run in Crystal Palce on the 31 October 2015. I am not allowed to run at the moment but my neighbour has been doing the program and she will graduate in the next few weeks and we were talking today and it will be her first 5km event. I am hoping I will be able to run it but if not I'm happy with a fast walk as its hilly. I just love the fact that all this started because I came home from the winter run so excited talking about the program and now she is about to graduate, Her excitement building up to graduation is so fantastic. This program is amazing the way it can be so infectious. Happy running to all.
Ok so I admit it's a bit strange but........ - Couch to 5K
Ok so I admit it's a bit strange but........

Well if you can't run you may as well spread the bug hope your neighbour graduates and you both have a great time at your fun 5k whether you manage to run or not

That's good goal to aim for RFC Hopefully you'll be able to run it. And it's going to be lovely to do the 5k with your neighbour. Great that you have inspired another C25ker

Oh, I do hope that you can run it with her, but if fitness dictates a walk, you will still be there which will make it special for both of you. I agree that this program is infectious and I love coming on here and reading everyone's posts, good or bad, personal bests or injury couch breaks ( still not fully off yet myself!). All these things inspire and I am determined that I will get back to where I was on the programme (w 8) and graduate too!
Take care

Great post RFC snd fully agree with your sentiments. Hope you are recovered and well enough to run too.

run 30 seconds/walk 30 seconds????

Sounds great and it will be nice for you both to do it together. You may well be up and running literally by then, but even if you have to take it slow, a fun run may be a good one to start with as there may be so many people walking.
Good to hear you're spreading the C25k love. I'm sure you'll be back running by Halloween.

Cracking tale - how great to be an inspiration like that.
Hope you're better soon xx

Aw thats brilliant RFC ! Great that you inspired someone else to take up the programme and how fab it would be to run together .
Hope you are raring to go soon ! xxx