Fast forward 10 minutes?: I am increasingly... - Couch to 5K

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Fast forward 10 minutes?

Idolitorus profile image
26 Replies

I am increasingly finding I wish I could fast forward the first 10 to 15 minutes of my runs. The first 10 or so minutes seem pretty dire. My legs feel like lead weights and the whole thing seems like a real effort. Then, like a break in the clouds it all settles down and whilst still hard work it becomes bearable.

If I could just skip the first bit and fast forward to half way through I would be a lot happier!

Run 1 of week 7 today, no real problems if you don't count wanting to give up for the first half of the run. That and running without glasses made me look over at what I thought was a particularly large Red Admiral butterfly in someone's garden. Wow, that's a whopper I thought before squinting at it again in puzzlement as I realised it was a discarded Mars bar wrapper.

At least there was no chance of it flying into my mouth like last time, though the thought of flying Mars bars truly is the stuff of fantasy. Hmmmm. Flying Mars bars.

It's odd, but after 10 mins, the aches fade a little, the breathing gets a bit more regular and I feel I could keep going, which is something I have mentioned before. In fact, Laura suggested that toward the latter part of the run, if all was going well I could up the pace a little. I am very wary of this, as I have had odd occasions where increasing the pace even slightly has bought on that nauseous feeling that scuppered me once before BUT I was able to continue past the 25 minutes. In fact I continued to run the 5 minute warm down, in effect running for 30 minutes, before doing the 5 min warm down properly. I don't think I'm going to do that again, it was hard on my calves and I made concerted effort on the stretches post run too. Picking an injury up at this stage through exuberance would be silly.

Whilst running, I try and keep myself distracted with whatever sights are abroad.

Today there was the usual assortment of people gardening, walking dogs etc.

One lady was working in her garden which was lovely (not like mine at all) but she had the misfortune of seeing me come past three times. My run is a long loop. The third and last time round I was flagging whilst she was raking up the trimmings from her pruning. At this point her rake in a show of solidarity for the poor afflicted thing plodding round and round decided to shuffle off its mortal coil and its head fell off.

I nearly had to stop as we both burst out laughing.

Finally, just before I got back home, I saw a pair of magpies. Whilst I tried to work out whether two of them bode good luck (I never remember the rhyme) I then saw a little bird dart into the hedge. It had a little red breast. Yep, you got it. Today on the run was batman and a robin! You couldn't make it up!

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Idolitorus profile image
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26 Replies

I love your tags! Haha. Yeh, I felt a bit nauseous at the end of w6. I had already tried to increase my pace as I was flagging and then Laura bloomin' went and told me to increase it again. Que a very hot, sweaty and slightly nauseous mimsickle. My old pe teacher, many moons ago, told us it was a sign of working hard and pushing oneself and therefore very comendable....

Idolitorus profile image
IdolitorusGraduate in reply to

Hmmm. Upshot is, I think I have overdone it. My left calf, whilst not exactly painful is certainly tender.

I don't want to spoil what is a good journey so far, so I may take tomorrow as an extra rest day and give it a good chance to recover.

There is good reasoning behind the advice on here about only increasing by 10%.

in reply to Idolitorus

Good thinking batman. I've been a bit obsessive over rest days and sticking directly with programme, as I'm scared I'll get injured. No worries if you need an extra rest day. I took an extra one before week 6 due to a dodgy thigh muscle. I may take some more with the increase in time that is week 7, my hip was a little tender aftr w6r3. Hope you feel better soon :-)

Realfoodieclub profile image

I love the thought of flying red admiral Mars Bars. I think that would take my mind of the start of the run. Distractions are good for keeping the mind busy. When I'm really struggling I count to 100 it keeps my mind busy. Happy running.

Noaky12 profile image

I had a similar no specs experience on Friday. Thought there was a man in a bright orange suit (RNLI type thing) down at the docks until I realised he was a large lifebelt holder. Lol.

Idolitorus profile image
IdolitorusGraduate in reply to Noaky12

That is brilliant. I'm glad it's not just me. Trouble is, I probably would have tried to strike up a conversation.

I do think my eyes are getting worse. It may come to a time when I invest in some of those loops you can attach to the glasses to keep them in place.

turnturtle profile image

I STILL find the first few minutes of every run a struggle, nearly two years after starting on this journey and with a few 10K races under my belt. I just regard it as part of warming up now and expect it. That makes it easier to cope with. Keep going. The result will be worth it!

poppypug profile image

Ha ha ! That made me laugh Batman ! :-D

Well done ! You are doing brilliantly . Oh yes the first ten minutes , the Toxic Ten I have heard it known as . Just keep doing what you're doing , it's got you this far ! :-)

Fab post - Kapow !!! :-) xxxx

Bazza1234 profile image

Yes - we all feel this way - takes me a good klm or so to settle in!! :) Why don't you try considering your first 15 minutes to be just a warmup anyway - before you even think about getting serious . Walk run, skip - do whatever you want or whatever your body feels like doing - easily - for the full 15 minutes - and then knuckle down!!! ?? :)

mfamilias profile image

If you only feel like that till halfway through, then you're making good progress! Love the images in your post. Flying mars bars... you should team up with Noaky and reinvent the world... :D

nhs2015 profile image

Running without glasses : is it better or you just forgot them?

Idolitorus profile image
IdolitorusGraduate in reply to nhs2015

I can't run with them, they don't fit particularly well anyway - keep sliding down every now and then. If I ran with them, I would be constantly poking them back up. It would drive me insane.

Plus I can't wear them as batman, they are my alter ego disguise.

Windswept1 profile image

Great post, conjuring up images. I am the same, always wanting to give up for the first 10 minutes.

Sparkyifhungry profile image

Cracking post, I see the endorphins are causing hallucinations! Flying mars bars indeed- the stuff dreams are made of! X

Irishprincess profile image

Ha ha ha! Hilarious post. We do have some short sighted runners here (me included without my contacts). Love the idea of flying Mars Bars though.

I know what you mean about the first 10 minutes. Even after nearly two years of running it still takes a little time for my body to settle down.

Fab post. You do have some great running adventures! And well done on the run.

I'm really reassured to hear how you're feeling about week 7 cos I feel just the same! Would love to give up until Laura tells me I'm half way! Ran 1.9 miles in the 25 mins. Pretty sure it's deadly slow but I'm getting there!

Sandraj39 profile image

That old magpie verse..

"one for sorrow, two for joy,

Three for a girl, four for a boy,

Five for silver, six for gold,

Seven for a secret never to be told"

Can't remember any more! All I know is that the only superstition I subscribe to is that to avoid bad luck one should salute and say hello to lone magpies " Good morning, Mr Magpie.." !

Nice post btw!

gary_bart profile image

:D I can see your run, now. Thanks for that. You'll go miles on that sense of humour, alone, I reckon. Yes, I always just go a bit slower in the beginning. I'm only allowed to torment myself right near the very end, so if it hurts I'll shuffle. Try Bazza's suggestion. Meanwhile you're progressing quite magnificently aren't you? Already at the 30 minute mark. Week 7 is tough, but it's no match for Batman.

RunningForBroke profile image

I loved the thing about the rake. You made me laugh.

AbracaDeborah profile image

Loved reading this, and all the replies - looking forward to 'Batman Returns' and week 8 adventures :)

Mary_O profile image

:) I think I would have had to have stopped to laugh at the rake.

Well done, and yes the first ten minutes are the worst.

Idolitorus profile image

You guys are great. This is just the reason I post. I wondered whether I was the only one, even though by now I really should realise that it doesn't matter what it is, I'm probably not.

It seems that the first 10 mins of the run should be incorporated/assumed to be warm up.

I may take the first 5-10 minutes even more gently than I do now and then increase pace for the latter half if it feels comfortable. I am really glad I mentioned it.

I may try to think about my posture and foot strike too. My left calf is a little sore still. I think in most part to overdoing it and not following the plan. Silly. I am going to take an extra rest day otherwise I could aggravate it.

I also wonder if I am over-striding or heel striking. I might not be but I need to be aware of checking myself on my next run.

Andreagetfit1 profile image

Great post! Really made me smile :-)

Wristy profile image

top tip: never trust the first mile, it is a liar! ;)

Idolitorus profile image
IdolitorusGraduate in reply to Wristy

This is true. The first mile is clearly a mile and a half, possibly two. Why is the government allowing this?

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Idolitorus

Tee Hee ! :-D xxx

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