It's strange how week four seemed so far away on that first evening I took to the pavement and now it seems to have come around so quickly and I have come so far. Running for 16 minutes!
I managed the entire session without stopping, though I must admit the first 3 minute run was the hardest and made me wonder whether I could complete it.
The question I have is about aches and pains. I realise that exercising for the first time in forever is going to make me ache etc. but this run really got quite uncomfortable.
I wasn't out of breath but my legs felt quite heavy and most of all, the area at the front of my ankles (the muscles/tendons?) that pull your feet up as you run, became uncomfortable.
I don't think these pains were shin splints as a Google search makes it seem they are located higher up. These were in the front crook of my ankle.
I don't think I was over-doing it on the speed, I was going quite gently. Will this improve over time? Am I doing anything wrong/incorrectly. Is it a gait thing? Am I just tense and need to relax?
I do stretch after the run but maybe I should look at stretches which target that area prior to going out.
The earlier weeks I was struggling with the running but aches wise it was not too bad, now the running seems OK but I am getting these aches - I hesitate to call them pains as they ceased as soon as I stopped running and started walking. I don't want to get put off these latter stages by something that will either correct itself or can be alleviated.
Any advice and experiences would be very welcome