So one for the ladies I'm afraid. Also bit personal and asking for thoughts. I run a couple times a week and suffered really bad runners tummy yesterday (desperate need to find a toilet or tree! And not for a wee, sorry). I noticed it's a week before I'm due on and wondered if anyone else had the same or generally noticed changes in their fitness abilities/tiredness etc beforehand.
Runners tummy: So one for the ladies I'm afraid... - Couch to 5K
Runners tummy

It's not quite that bad for me, but can be similar on the first couple of days rather than a week before.
I am often amazed by my memory Reading your post i remembered that I posted this long ago

Yes! I am often tired and find it really tough just before and during my time. Though I find the pain (not trots) have actually eased up since I bought a meluna cup instead of 'conventional' sanitary wear. It makes me feel cleaner while running and generally really but unfortunately it doesn't help with runners tum, although I find I have issues with my bowels anyway due to general anxiety, and I always feel at least a little anxious before going for a run.
Don't think this is that helpful, but I do empathise!

I suffer or should I say suffered with something similar from being quite young, mine is to do with the possibility of me being lactose intolerant, I had enough of the pains and dodgy stomach about 3 weeks back just before a parkrun I ate porridge made with regular cow milk, and I suffered from a bit of stomach issues before the race and had stomach pains throughout the run, I have changed my diet and I haven't looked back since apart from when I forget that chocolate has milk in it and I eat it anyway and suffer afterwards, at first I thought it was due to hormones and running until I only had a dodgy stomach after eating something that contained milk whether I was doing a run that day or not,
I know this isn't really what your post is about but I just thought I'd include my own experiences, I hope you manage to find a way to help you carry on running which stops you from getting a dodgy stomach whilst your running,
Take care,
Siobhan x
That's really useful. I've switched to soya milk a few years back and found when I didn't have it I suffered really bad stomach at night. Now I only have yogurt and normal milk in tea. Oh and cottage cheese. May be worth a try stopping it though.
I found that lactose free foods can be quite expensive, I saw some lactose free cheese about 200g for nearly £2 but then again normal cheese can be quite expensive as well, I only get soya milk and lactose free spread because I don't really eat cheese all that often, the lactose free yoghurts cost around 4 for £1 so I don't see that as a bad option because I used to get 4 yoghurts for £1,
I hope you find out why you are getting runners tum and then you will be able to sort it, whether you have to take some form of medication or just changing your diet like I have done

I found I was getting runner's tum and googled it. Apparently it's quite common in middle and long distance runners (ahem, not sure I can class myself as one of those but hey!) and it's mainly due to dehydration - coffee, tea, alcohol can all exacerbate it too!
On my 5km days, I was having a couple of mugs of tea with breakfast as well as having had a couple of glasses of wine the night before. Now I try to have just 1 glass of wine on the evening before and at least a pint of plain water with breakfast. And I take a big drinks bottle with me too. On Saturday, not only did I manage the 5km (and a new PB of 38m 20s) but I didn't have any post-runner's tum either ... result all round!
Can't help with regard to the "girl's stuff" as I haven't had one for months and months, but there are days when I know things aren't hooking up right for a long run, so I do a shorter time and do fartlek intervals instead.
Hope this helps!

I posted on this last year. There was a published study that the hormones released help running because the muscles loosen up, but also cause the feeling of needing the loo.
I usually run first thing in the morning & find running on am empty stomach usually helps during this period

Its always worth having a conversation with your doctor to talk through your symptoms as they may be co-incidental rather than linked. Consider your usual bowel habit and whether this is a departure. If you have a tendency towards a slower digestive transit running can speed things up . While allergies/intolerances could be the culprit its probably best to discuss with your doctor as you don't want to be depriving yourself unnecessarily. I too, run 1st thing and on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after a meal. if I go any earlier I would have the same symptoms as you. (slow digestive transit

Does anyone feel they constantly need a wee? I find that the hardest part, I feel really uncomfortable all the time and also leak quite a bit so use sanitary towels, I've had 4 children so that might be the cause! I'm on week 4