So tonight was a slow 8k and I waited for the Hubbie to come home so he could bath the wee fella and I could get out. To be fair ive been champing at the bit all day for this run. It's been a gorgeous sunny day spent with my crazy evil knieval of a four year old on his bike and swimming and I was looking forward to some down time with a few tunes. The plan called for a slow run and I know that because I'm upping the mileage I need to slow down really to avoid injury. I worked out rocky balboa the garmin has a virtual pacer that you type in your speed and it bleeps at you if you are ahead or behind. It was a great help actually and I kept to the speed and time no problem. The sun was setting into the west and the sky was lit up with golds and oranges glinting on the sea. It was bloody gorgeous out there this evening and I'm very glad I do this running thingy now so I get out to appreciate it all. I met a lady pheasant who sat down when she saw me coming, I think she was a bit startled, some lazy young cows chewing the cud and discussing the day's news, and a beautiful hare with grey brown fur and the longest ears. Fluttery butterflies everywhere tonight, enjoying the warmth no doubt. Oh and a rat who ran along the road with me for a few yards just to see what all the fuss was about. It's actually hypnotic sometimes just being out and running and that's what I love most. When the legs have warmed up and you actually can switch off the old brain and relax. Got home totally starving and wolfed a plate of meatballs and pasta into me. So tomorrow apparently I'm to do the same slow run. Never run two days in a row so might do a short run, walk a bit then finish the run. Really can't be doing with the Injury couch at all!! Hope everyone had a great time out today.
Glorious run in the evening sun: So tonight was... - Couch to 5K
Glorious run in the evening sun

Lovely run!
Thanks pigivi, I live for these runs!
Are you following a myasics plan? I find the slow runs quite hard,, even if I am not a fast runner it is not easy to run at a pace that is slower than a brisk walk! The sun here has not gone down yet ... but it's behind clouds

I wouldn't worry about the fast bits. I'd leave em be and go at your own pace. I wish I'd eased up on the speed runs. I think I'd not be on the bench now if I had. I think we can move too fast for ourselves.
Enjoy those lovely, leisurely runs. They're fab aren't they when you can enjoy your surroundings and be completely relaxed.
Happy running!

That sounds absolutely gorgeous sparky. I was there with you in spirit! It's amazing the things we see on our runs sometimes so thank you for sharing yours.