Finished C25K a couple of weeks ago and was thrilled to have completed it (graduated). But last evenings run was the first time I hit the 5k mark. I'm slow (51 year old, 25 pounds overweight, man who had never ran before the program) , took 44 minutes to get there......but I did it and feel like I've graduated again. Now on to running a competitive "official" 5k excited.
Graduated again...: Finished C25K a couple of... - Couch to 5K
Graduated again...

Well done on hitting 5K. And a good time.
If you want something a bit more official/formal look on the web to see if there is a parkrun near you. (ignore me if you already know about parkrun). If so print off your barcode and go along one saturday morning. Running with other people is great fun and parkrun is free. One up from running alone and not so expensive and intimidating as a fun run with thousands of runners.
Well done!
Good that you have an event to aim for to keep you running after the program. Keep it up!

Well done you.
I did 5km at a Race for Life but I'd like to do a parkrun now to get an "official" time. It was great running with other people at Race for Life though.
Thanks for the support. On the Yankee side of the pond so no park runs here. Lots of fun runs around like run for life and I am sure I'll do some of them, but also want to do a timed "official" event in a month or so. Trying to get two 30-35 minute runs in a week and then one where I push it to 45 or so. Will gradually up these and maybe add a day of interval speed work.....happy to be a part of the running community.
They are all over the world. See if there is one near you.
Well done on your time, still trying to break into the 40s myself. One day !

Fantastic progress. Well done X