Week 9 1 and 2 done. After what can only be described as a very busy few weeks of hospital visits to see dad who is still in . (has been 4 weeks so far). Followdd by A wisdom tooth extraction last week and a particularly busy time in my voluntary work as a school govenor. . I only go and get some harsh news today. And dont no what to do with regards to the running. I attended a wellbeing even jn work and got my blood pressure checked. Never been done before. Ended up repeating the test as my bottom reading which they say is the important one, came out at 100. Then 95. The health assitant has told me to go and see doc which i will do. However do i still run has left me a bit gutted as have lost over 2 stone with probably another stone to go. Diet is better than been in a while and feeling much fitter. Anyone out there running with blood pressure and should i be worried
Gutted: Week 9 1 and 2 done. After what can only... - Couch to 5K

Hope this helps. Dont stress about it or you will increase your blood pressure

Good job that it's been picked up as it's easily controllable with medication - I've been taking tablets for years now! Sounds as if you are having a stressful time. I'm sure the doctor will reassure you - they will probably be delighted that you are running and have lost weight. High blood pressure can be genetic, so don't be too despondent, just get it sorted.
Good luck.

Before you get too panic stricken, remember that for some people, the act of measuring their blood pressure actually increases their blood pressure.. Some docs will either lend you a blood pressure monitor to test your pressure at home in a less stressful environment, or they'll fit you with a 24hr monitor to get a more accurate idea of what your bp normally is. Also, it's worth remembering that caffeine increases bp so if you'd had a couple of coffees beforehand, that could have been a contributory factor. Best bet is to go see the GP or nurse practitioner and retested, but, most importantly, don't worry!!
My partner was taking BP tablets for a number of years tilll she bought a BP machine for home use. Her BP was a lot different than what the Docs were getting. They put her on a 24hr monitor and found out her BP was fine and she had a condition called Whitecoat Syndrome. Her BP would rise everytime she had it checked at the docs.

Absolutely agree with others. Its better to know if you have high Bp than not..then you can deal with it, but also remember one or indeed two elevated readings doesn't mean you HAVE high Bp.. Get it checked to see if you do. First course of action is always lifestyle modification ( depending on readings and yours aren't too high) maybe reduction in salt, caffeine, alcohol, etc but equally is controllable... Weight loss and running can only help!!
For anyone who has high blood pressure with no medical condition hypnotherapy is very effective and prevents having to take medication for the rest of your life. I am a Hypnotension practitioner based in Wakefield West Yorkshire. There are practitioners all over the country. Check out the website hypnotension.com if interested!

We always say on. Here if in doubt check it out. Your GP will be able to talk you through everything. I would go sooner rather than later as it is one of those conditions that dosent get better while stressed. I am sure they will tell you it's not surprising you BP is up considering everything you are coping with also they might want to check you haven't a little infection after the extraction, all these things take a toll. Hospital visiting is one of the most stressful things I know. The best case scenario is you can still run as this will help to keep your stress levels down as the endorphins help a lot. wishing your Dad a speedy recovery and lots of good wishes to you and your family.

I used to have blood pressure problems a few years ago, was monitored over 6month period, my pressure was up and down like a yoyo, but not enough to cause problems. Someone suggested that caffeine could be the problem. As I drank at least 6 mugs of strong coffee a day, so switched to decaf. Blood pressure stabilised and have not had any problems since. Do seek medical advice as blood pressure variations can be caused by many different things, caffeine is just one of them. I have also lost nearly 6 stone which has also helped, 3 more to go.

Thanks all. Comments are reassuring . i have managed to get an appointment for monday. Have been reading up on it today while waiting for my mother in law to be admitted to hospital as she is also unwell . The joys of both of them being 81. Atleast her and me dad are in the same place so makes visiting easier . I only have one coffee a day very little alcohol and i dont add salt tyo anything. I am probably for the first time in a long time doing everything right. Will trybto have calm thoughts and do my final run. As running is the only thing i am doing for me at the minute so reluctant to stop. And yes is a great stress buster. Thanks again