Today I had what I can only describe as a Forrest Gump moment. I just felt like running!! Except, for the first 20 mins or so, I really didn't. Burning calves, pins and needles in my feet (does anyone else get this??) I really didn't think I'd make it to 5km. Damn those gremlins. But I did make it. And then I thought, well I'm feeling kinda comfortable right now, maybe I'll push on to 6km. And then I pushed to 7. Before I knew it, I reached the 8km mark. I ran for an hour solid. My legs are so tired right now but I'm so proud of myself!!! Those awful 1 minute runs feel like an eternity ago!! I really feel like a runner and it's the best feeling in the world
I ran and I ran... And just kept on running! - Couch to 5K
I ran and I ran... And just kept on running!

This happend to me yesterday and yes it's a fantastic feeling, enjoy it, many more to come!! X

Yay! 🙆

I'm looking forward to runs like this in the future - maybe without the burning calves and pins and needles though.
Sounds great. What an achievement. You feel like a runner 'cos you are a runner!
That is fantastic, well done!

It's great when that happens. What a moment to savour. We have these milestones don't we and think we'll never progress beyond them so when we do is just the best feeling ever
Well done. Keep progressing steadily and having fun
Don't overdo it. You're still a new runner. There's always another day
I almost always feel like that for the first 20 minutes of any run. Once you get trhough to the other side though, it is a glorious thing.
Well done.

Totally awesome, and that happened to me on Friday !

Sometimes, I guess there's just not enough rocks. ... And so, you just ran? I just ran...

That must feel fab. I am still waiting for my Forest Gump feeling to kick in
I remember the first run I did when I realised that I could just keep going without it hurting. Great feeling isn't it!
Well done - you won't look back now.

For my sins, I got very overexcited about the whole thing and ended up signing up for a 10k in September this morning. Eeek!

That's awesome! Well done. I await my Forrest Gump moment again! (had those from time to time so know what you mean!)