Ok, so I didn't rest for the whole10 days as I promised the doctor, but honestly for the first time in my life I was CRAVING a proper heart rate and that full feeling you get in your lungs when you run
When I started on the first 1 minute run I had to hold myself back as much as I could but still ran on a speed 4.7 instead of my usual laughable 3.5, I know I should have been taking it slow but I just couldn't! Truth be told and I know it sounds mad but I wanted to fly, just run and run and run as fast as I could until my body burst. It just felt so unbelievably good to be running, a bit like freedom... I wasnt even out of breath when Laura told me to slow down and I nearly argued with her, I just didn't want to! So I consoled myself by having a little treadmill dance during the 90 second walk
The second run I felt a bit more normal and toned down to a speed 4.0, my chest felt stretched afterwards but I still wasn't breathless or struggling.
The rest of the runs I did on a 3.7 except the last 30 seconds of the final run. I wanted to see how far the 'free' feeling would take me and how fast I could actually run, so I cranked up to 7.8 and bloomin legged it! Ok, so 7.8 isn't ground breaking but for my little legs and all 17st 13lbs of me (now down 16lbs from start weight, I'll just throw that in there) it's pretty fast! The 'I just want to run' feeling came back in spades and I don't even know how long I ran for, I just kept running until my chest hurt and I couldn't catch my breath. Can't have been longer than 40 seconds or so but the feeling of weightlessness and just SPACE was so worth getting fit for.
I had a tough, very head blaggy day today at work where I have to focus on 10 things all at once and it's noisy and busy and stressful, and in the past my 'zen' place was in an empty takeaway box and a food coma... But tonight I found a new place to forget the world and focus my brain on one thing, and it's on a treadmill running as fast as I can until I'm too exhausted to think about anything else but my body.
This is a huge, huge deal for me, I've got a new zen place that makes me feel free and in control and I can go there whenever I like, I just have to run
***Caveat: yep, totally irresponsible and stupid to run like that on my shins right now and I know I'll probably hurt tomorrow... Totally worth it.