Today I decided to kill two birds with one stone and run home from work! The walk normally takes half an hour so I took a chance and decided to lenghten my route. I hit the halfway mark and everything was going swimmingly! Yes, I was SUPER glad to be running again.
Then, of course, the inevitable happened. My body decided it was time for a (pardon me for being so crude) number two. This has happened before, but fortunately I was near a public toilet and my run was almost over. At this point, I just had to stop - 15 minutes in - and do some serious re-routing/bum-clenching. I found my way to a nearby pub (I did run there, in fairness), frantically pushed past hoards of drinkers, and made use of the facilities ASAP. Needless to say I was disappointed that my call of nature could not have been postponed for a mere 15 minutes longer. Anyway, I started up again and began to run for the remainder of the 30 minutes, this time extending my run by around 10 minutes (through the warm down and then some) in order to make up for the extended pause. I ran all the way home and thoroughly enjoyed it. After a truly terrible day at work I now feel totally refreshed and balanced again. It's true what they say about those endorphins. Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement, too. No more negativity from now on I'm going to graduate this week and feel soooooo proud!