Completed my 2nd 10k last night and so when i got home i signed up for the D-Day 10k in Pompey on 7th June! I have looked at last years times and based on the time it has taken me to run 10k previously i should finish firmly in the last 10 finishers hahahaa!! Anyone else thinking of doing this race? If so let me knowww!!
Eeek signed up for my first 10k race!! - Couch to 5K
Eeek signed up for my first 10k race!!

Well done you! Nowt like a race to focus your attention on moving your running on
You'll enjoy it ☺

D-Day 10k? Never head of that but going to have a look now! I'm booked up for the Bupa 10k in London on the 25th May though and did 10k last night about the same time as you!

Nice one, Op. I'm not running that race but am signed up for a 10K in July. I did my first 10K Monday night - took me 77 minutes, which, according to last year's results on my race will put me in... well, LAST place If I can get down to less than 70 minutes by July I'll be happy. Good luck with yours! I'm off for a gentle 30 mins or so tonight

Great time

There's a lot of 10ks coming up for people here - I've got one on 21st June. I do like running 10k! Good luck with yours.

all of those 10ks will become 15ks or HMs by the end of the year I bet too! Best of luck all!

Ooh how exciting, I love a 10k! x

Nice one Op15.
I am going to be a bit later that the rest in here but I have signed up for The London Summer 10k (Regent's Park) on 9th August. TBH I just view it as getting experience of an official race and as part of my HM training.
Do you use Garmin Connect btw?
Yesss exactly, im certainly not entering it to win... haha!! One of the doctors i work with, his wife can do 10k in 40 minutes!!!!
I dont use garmin connect YET as i dont have a computer, only my phone- but at the weekend i am going to take my garmin along to my mum and dads and set it up on their computer so should do by the weekend!
40 mins? 10K in 40 mins? Is she wonder woman??? Wow!
They each do ironman and ironwoman competitions and i know that when she was younger she trained with a few women who have turned out to be olympians but what made me laugh was when he was telling me all this he goes "she does 10k in 40 minutes which is pretty good" haha! I was like... pretty good?? PRETTY GOOD!!?!?? Lol!
I don't know why but after reading your sentence about the doctor's wife, I had a strange thought that your next paragraph was going to say that you had entered the 10k to do a 'Tonya Harding' on her!
Tonya Harding? Silly as this may be.. i am going to need you to elaborate !?? Who is that? Sorry haha
Sorry about that, should have taken your youth into account, nonetheless hard for me to believe that this was really 20 years ago.
Nancy Kerrigan Attack and Lifetime Ban
In 1994, however, the young skater earned notoriety when she was involved in the knee clubbing of a fellow competitor, Nancy Kerrigan, during that year's Olympic trials. The attack seriously bruised Kerrigan's kneecap and quadriceps tendon, and prevented the skater from participating in the U.S. Championships due to her injuries.
Harding pleaded guilty to hindering the investigation into Kerrigan's attack, which allowed her to avoid jail time. Under the plea bargain, Harding was stripped of her '94 national title and banned from competing in the U.S. for life.
Despite her knee injury, Kerrigan went on to win the silver medal at the 1994 Games. The 1994 Olympic scandal went on to become the subject of a musical, .

Well done you! That time is pretty blimming good. I have the BHF Tower of London 10k next wednesday, Great Newham London Run in July (10k finishing in the Olympic Stadium ) and Run to The Beat 10k in Wembley in September. Because my training has been b*ggered by injury, next Weds will be the first time I'l ever have run 10k. Ooh err!

WOW! You graduated back in... March and you have ran 10K twice? That's good going! I am still a slow snail, attached to short distances

Just had a look at the route - the old IBM building is about 4k in my usual 10k route at the weekends!!! oh I am tempted now....

Well done..and is that Pompey in Italy? Xx
Hiya I did the ABP southampton 10k recently and was so so nervous! I did it in 1hr 6mins, you'll be so excited and nervous with that alongside running with loads of others you'll be fine! I was worried I'd be the last one over the line as it was my first race after completing couch to 5k but now I've signed up to the bupa great south in October! What watch do you have? I usually take my phone but it's annoying after 6 miles carrying it! X