well i survived everyone what amazing day everybody was so friendly and crowds were brilliant thank you manchester truly wonderful people ,right was up at 5.30 race morning found metrolink and it finally sunk in that today i was going to run a marathon ,i just got to the race village dropped bag of wait for loo and then try and leg it to my start found 3hr45 pacer and off we went i afraid that after 2 miles i said goodbye to him and went off solo now i can only remember some bits but it went like this we went passed bbc corrie fake houses and have they had a fire i was ooh theres corrie i had music in one ear {first time ever in a race{thought id treat myself} and just kept a eye on my pace the people that were out cheering and with there sweets sometimes buckets of sweets some funny signs touch here for magic power a few bands frank sidebottom in Timperley, that made me laugh the people in Altrincham were great in fact they were great i didnt know where i was i remember carrington and then we came back in somewhere near 21 miles my legs were a bit sore so i rested for a min and walked and this 3 more till the grim reaper {spectator Dressed up }25 miles slow jog then sprinted to finish 0.5 miles i remember going for up a long road and turning in sir matt busby way and bombing down to the finish boom looked at clock /gun and 3hr41 couldnt walk much and was freezing so hobbled to metrolink to station found a pub and relaxed ,it seems they posted everybodys splits and finish times on fb but were based on guntimes so that what we all went with and they have posted chip times so based on that and its the same as garmin its 3hrs 36.40 theres been alot of moaning on there fb page apart from that it was faultless i want to do it again and probably will i had a great time could be another one in a few weeks not far away i will surprise you all poppypug where was you right said fred indeed
marathon moger style: well i survived everyone... - Couch to 5K
marathon moger style

Amazing effort Moger.
Your writing style is a bit like I imagine your running style to be.

Oh Moger ! I have been waiting for this report all day !
Me and hubby were on Stockport Road in Altrincham stood in the central reservation on an incline , there was a big church at the top where I think you wouldve turned left
I was looking out for a bald head , but there were loads, then I thought I will try to see your number , but the groups were so tightly packed at some points, it was impossible to see. Did you have a hat on ?
Im so chuffed that you had a good time . It was a brilliant atmosphere wasnt it ? Really good turnout and the entertainment and bands all made it a brilliant day
Hey, what a blistering time too , thats fantastic Moger !
The medals are massive ! Saw a few finishers yesterday who were wearing them, and they are HUGE !
Many, many Congratulations to you , you did amazing. I bet that drink didnt even touch the sides ha ha . Very well deserved !
Brilliant post ! Thanks for posting xx
that would have been 12 and a bit miles and that would have been 1hr39 long road going toward Altrincham turn left into it or before i remember a bridge no hat yellow charity shirt lots of people shouting gary kept thinking it was you
Yes, its about halfway. We were just outside Altrincham Town Centre as Steve wanted to get photos of runners coming up the hill.
Oh, I wish I had seen you ! I had Jelly babies for you xxx
Which charity were you running for btw ? xxx
children with cancer uk ive been watching videos of it on you tube just to jog my memory pardon the pun i remember Little Belters and there was another choir womens and a group 3hrs36 was the right time still hasn't sunk in yet heres the link for vids youtube.com/watch?v=JQ20ZgG...
Altrincham welcomes Manchester Marathon 2015
Aw its fab ! I was going " Oooh " at it cos I pass all those buildings every morning on my way to work ha ha
You did amazingly well, Blimey, what a fantastic time !
How do you feel now ? Are you cream crackered ? xxx
my calf are still sore not pain and i may lose a toenail but thats it if ive got enough funds left on pay day i shall book milton keynes

Amazing achievement and an even more amazing time! Well done!

A fab post Moger, really enjoyed reading that. Well done on a fantastic race and such a good time too. Its a shame you didn't see our Pops.
Rest those legs a while x

Oh, well done, Moger! What a fantastic race and an amazing time congratulations!

Wow, what an amazing feat, Moger. Well done and huge congratulations.

Well done Moger!!!! Woohoooooo You did it!!!
I just read the report in the paper. Did you see the winning times? Unbelievable!

Congratulations and well done Moger. Fantastic time!

Brilliant. Well done Moger - so glad you enjoyed it!
Fantastic moger! That looks like a very well deserved beer to me! Greattime, CONGRATULATIONS, ! 😊
Breathless just reading that !! Well done you, sounds like there was plenty to keep you interested all the way round, and you obviously enjoyed it if you want to do it all again. Fantastic.

Congratulations and a big thank you for sharing the experience with us. You marathoners are making it sound so easy! Brought back memories of doing the Bogle Stroll as a student (bailed at 20 miles - walking!)