Hi everyone,
I've been giving this quite a lot of thought lately as I've plateaued on times.
Quick bit of background: Graduated on running the 30 mins back in October 2013. First 5k was just over 35 minutes about 2 weeks after, last November (2014) I got to 31:32 for the 5k. I still run at least twice, usually 3 times a week and I'm now in training for Tri for Life (September at Woburn Abbey) in the sprint triathlon where the finish is a 5km run.
My challenge is that I don't seem able to get faster, and it's becoming a bit annoying.
I've trained up to the 10k to see if extra stamina will help me out, I've tried doing a speed session a week (both the speed podcast and also a more strenuous variant). I've tried running to a metronome beat of 170bpm (there was a cadence post before, and naturally I would be about 158-160, so the extra footstrikes should have helped time-wise).
What I'm now considering is what for me would be the nuclear option - do I find a run buddy, and would they be able to push me on if I did?
Is it just a case of either wanting to run with someone or not, or has anyone chosen the option that was uncomfortable for them and did it make a positive difference?