I have just read a few posts mentioning heat... where ???? It has warmed up here, but still a mere 10 degrees...
Just curious....: I have just read a few posts... - Couch to 5K
Just curious....
It was 21 degrees here in the South East at lunchtime today.
South Wales was scorchio today and going to be around 22 degrees tomorrow
It was 16 degrees here on the Pennines tonight, the right side of the Pennines that is lol
Sorry - but you can't use the words "scorcher" and "22 degrees " in the same sentence !!!
Im not incontinent
Lovely and fresh at 6am here in Western Australia
+10 C? Luxury, we had some snow yesterday.
Apparantly we'll get some warmer weather this weekend.
It was windy and cold when I was out with the dog yesterday morning. Warmed up a bit later but it was still a coat job
Better today though.
I felt cold all day yesterday, was about 10degrees and windy here in Edinburgh. Over time I have found out that 10 to 12 degrees is about the temp I enjoy running best - but without the wind! 22 degrees and I am totally 'puggled' when running!
East Yorkshire here, lovely weather. Went for a slow walk along the canal after work, and that was still t-shirt weather.
Greece. Currently 23.5 deg in the shade at 11.50am. Blue skies and sunshine. I've started pushing my running time back to early evening. Once it gets to July, the only bearable time will be before dawn.