Does anybody else suffer from a kind of catchy cough for a few hours after running? I cough as if I smoke about fify a day. I don't really sound healthy after running.
Cough enquiry: Does anybody else suffer from a... - Couch to 5K
Cough enquiry

You can get very thirsty and dehydrated so drink plenty throughout your day. Also running produces lots of mucus as you've probably noticed. Take a hankie with you every run and have a good blow as and when you need to
I'm sure you'll be fine. Keep up the good work and hope for better weather. It's failed to materialise here today. The weatherman lied. Sigh

I DO. I thought I was just really unfit. I am quite a snotty kind of person (always have a runny nose) so when I run my nose runs from the first step. I then get a bit of a chesty/throaty cough when I get home, the kind that catches you when you laugh or breathe deeply. An old man I see regularly walking his dog stopped me last week (and that's the worst time for me as my cough starts and my nose runs) and he said "I don't think this running is doing you any good love". I did start to think he was right

There is such a thing as exercise induced rhinitis (spelling?) - which is why some of us get such runny noses. I would perhaps try taking an antihistamine tablet some time before you run and see if that helps... but I wouldn't want to have to take one every time I wanted to go for a run. And perhaps it's worth getting some proper medical advice if it really does last for a few hours.

Oooh yes ! I get a tickly cough after , but only for about ten minutes or so and then its gone .
Mind you, I used to smoke like a trooper so I always put it down to my lungs clearing the last bits of gunge out .
I dont suffer from a runny nose though xxx

It's possibly sport induced asthma. If it doesn't go away, discuss it with your doctor next time you go.

Yes, I used to get this, but only when I was road running (ie where there were traffic fumes). No problem running in the park. It could be a mild degree of exercise-induced asthma, or just some local irritation. My completely non-medical theory is that as you are breathing more quickly and deeply while you run there's more chance for the pollutants to irritate your airways.

It might be worth going to see your GP. I was quite spluttery and wheezy for the rest of the day after running and was diagnosed with asthma. Now I take my inhaler before I run and if necessary afterwards and I don't have a problem. It's worth it as well for the feeling of being able to breathe deeply when I'm running. Hope you get it sorted.