I am doing week 3 and after two runs I had a niggly cough for about 1/2 hour after the run. It's not bad enough to stop me but is it something that is normal? Advice please 🤔
Runner's cough?: I am doing week 3 and after two... - Couch to 5K
Runner's cough?
Not sure...your mouth and throat could get dry... I suck a sugar free Polo tucked in my cheek
The odd thing is that you say you cough after the run... I am no expert, but maybe the running is loosening.. err.. sorry.. phlegm.
If it continues, I would certainly get it checked out!
Well done you! Onward and upwards.
I've read of a few other people here who've had this, there is such a thing as exercise induced asthma, so if it continues, you might want to see your doc. A simple inhaler would sort you out if that's what it is. xx
I have this too. It's worse in cold air, which makes me think it might be asthma. Think I'll keep going as long as it's manageable, and see if it improves with my fitness. (I'm hoping it will!) I also had a bad cold at the beginning of week 2 (I'm now on week 4) so it might just be leftover congestion.