I've just finished week 2!! I would love to run a 5k race. Race for Life or something similar? Am I better to wait until I've finished the programme and then look for a race or shall i sign up now? What have other people done? Thank you
5K??: I've just finished week 2!! I would love... - Couch to 5K

Hi tenerife2 - I started Park Run for Wk6 R3 and tomorrow will be my third. Some people do Park Runs from the beginning - just working with Laura and doing a jog/walk for whatever's left. If you're interested in Race for Life, you've got 7 weeks til you graduate - is your Race for Life 7 weeks or more away? It'd be a powerful incentive to keep you going! Good luck and let us know what you chose to do
Hi there,
I agree with what Potty has said. The Race for Life events are normally in the summer and it would be a good thing to aim for. That's what I did last year. Get signed up!

Time is right and by Week5 Run 3 you have a complete 20 minute run to do. I did my first park run then (I had not run since school some 20+ years ago) and while I was exhausted after it, I know that I would not have been able to do it the weeks before. Some people don't like reading ahead to the runs coming up, but if you look at the last run of each week and choose a few that you can do a park run for then aim for that. The main thing is to relax and enjoy them rather then compete and try to win them and tire yourself out at 3 km.

As above. Sign up for a race for life that is more than a couple of months away, but also look for PARKRUN on google. There is probably one near you. Register for it now but I'd wait until at least the 25 minute runs (w7r3??) before you try it. You could even be a volunteer at parkrun events for a week or more before you start so you'll know the route etc.

I'd concur with all the advice above. Once you have reached week 6 or so, you'll be able to manage a 5K parkrun or race for life, even if you think you'll have to walk the last few minutes (on the day, I bet you find the energy to run it, regardless). I waited until I graduated before entering a park run and found that when I finished I was well up the field (top third). I could have entered several weeks before and completed it.
Sign up now, it'll help keep you motivated having a goal.