I did the Race for life in Colchester yesterday and finished with a runkeeper time of 34.37 (official clock said 36.03 but that started before I reached the start line due to the crowds). As I am still on week 6 this was the first time that I have jogged 5k for about 20 years! While my time wasn't as good as my friend who was in the same race, I know that without Couch 25k I wouldn't have been able to complete it jogging at any speed! It was worth all the dragging myself out for a run when I couldn't really be bothered! Now my friend believes that I have actually got a bit fitter she has suggested that I go with her to a park run and a 10k. I said that I want to finish C25k first, but then maybe! Now my mental goals have updated to run 5k sub 30mins and to fit into something from a non plus size store!
Race for Life - wow I ran 5k!: I did the Race... - Couch to 5K
Race for Life - wow I ran 5k!

Fantastic well done you. I'm only on wk four thanks for the inspiration. Rfcx

Well done. That is a good time. And you are only on week 6!

Hi Big-momma! Glad you are still here and running! Congratulations on your great time - you must be seriously chuffed with yourself - specially when you weren't really bothered to get out. I am still plodding on. Should have done Week 7 /2 this morning but big thunder storms put me off. A park run sounds good. I'm seeking one out near me. 10k is ambitious, but I've been reading some blogs which say if you can do 5 you can cope with 10 because it's all a question of attitude of mind from now on. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Your friend has noticed your new fitness so why not give it a whirl. Enjoy the shopping too!
Thanks! I can't get into high street clothes just yet through! I should have done W6R3 today, but the heat and other plans meant I skived it I'm afraid. I am worried that I feel a bit less motivated now that Race for Life is over for the year and it is so hot! Must sort out my attitude and get on with it tomorrow! All the best with your week 7 run, hopefully with no thunderstorms!