I am a newbie, i was just wondering how many times do we have to run each week?
I am a newbie, i was just wondering how many times do we have to run each week?
A lot of people try to run 3 times a week... but it is very important to take a "rest" day in between your "running" day.
To start with, run a maximum of once every other day i.e. run day, rest day, run day, rest day etc. It's a lot simpler for many people just to run 3 days a week i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then have a couple of days off. If you only want to run twice a week, that's not a problem. I think I would struggle with running less than twice a week though.
The basic guidelines are therefore:
1) have at least one rest day between each run
2) repeat every run 3 times before moving onto the next week's runs (ok - weeks 5 and 6 are a little different, but don't worry about them yet). If you feel you need to repeat a week more than 3 times - that's not a problem. Repeat as often as you like until you feel ready to move on. Just remember the rest day between each run.
3) Smile whilst you are out there. Have fun!
Ri do 3 runs each week I always have a rest day in between today my legs slightly ache after yesterday run.
The basic plan is 3 times a week. Always have a minimum of 48 hours between runs. If you want you can do 7 runs per fortnight it I found it helpful to have an extra day off once per week. Some people can only run once every 3 days, I think less than this will affect progress.
I am a newbie and like to run every other day. So far so good and I realise the rest day is important.
Whatever works for you! I do Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday purely because of my uni timetable, 3 times a week seems to be standard. There are three runs for each week of the programme but just take each one as it comes and if you need to repeat there's no harm in that But definitely definitely definitely ignore the voice in your head saying to skip rest day, rest day is so so important