No running for me for a while: Finally followed... - Couch to 5K

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No running for me for a while

GettingFitter profile image
50 Replies

Finally followed advice and had a physio consultation that confirmed Dr Google's prognosis. Tibialis posterior tendonitis so 6 exercises 3 times a day and more to come in a week or so. Nice to put a name to the pain but it's going to be frustrating. I can cycle on the exercise bike so hope not to lose too much fitness but I'd rather be running.

I'll follow your posts which should help so keep running and keep achieving


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GettingFitter profile image
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50 Replies
poppypug profile image

Oh G, Im so sorry to hear that, I was hoping that you had managed to shake it off :-(

Oh this injury couch is fit to burst at the moment .

Have they given you any idea of how long youre going to be out ? Maybe they will be able to be more specific when you go back in a week or so.

Chin up G, you will get through this, Big hug for you ((( ))) xxx

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thanks PP. Needed that. Not sure how long it will take. If I'd gone early it could be a couple of weeks as I've left it and run on it it could be months. (So I've decided it will be weeks). Damn IC. Physio thinks it was my Asics plan as I stepped up to running 4 times a week and changed to road running which was too much of a shock to my ancient tendons. They are fine with load just not sharp changes in load like a 25% increase in running. Word of warning for others ake sure you make gradual changes.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to GettingFitter

Oh G, what a blow for you . Im so sorry to hear that....

Fingers crossed for you that it is a matter of a couple of weeks rather ,than months.

I am totally gutted for you, Mate xxx

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thanks PP that Laura has a lot to answer for. She gets me all addicted then I overdo it and now have to go cold turkey. It's lovely that we have each other as a support group though!

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to GettingFitter

I think there should be a pinned post on this forum from some kind of expert (or maybe we are experts now!) on NOT OVERDOING IT! That's how most of us seem to end up on this slightly lumpy and overcrowded couch ...

Realfoodieclub profile image

I am so sorry. Good that you have a recovery plan now though. Hope you heal real soon.

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thanks RFC

AllieG profile image

Ah, no. We'll be sitting on each other's laps on the injury couch soon. hope it all heals sooner rather than later love! x

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to AllieG

Budge up - another one to fit on. It's a good job we've all got such amazingly small bums due to all this running!

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to useitorloseit

Cheers useitorloseit. Hope you get on the mend soon

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to AllieG

I know it's the pits Allie. Hope we don't have to spend too long on it!

GettingFitter profile image

Thanks Kat. It was quite easy to describe as I'd had tennis elbow before so it was like that but on the inside of my leg above the ankle bone about an inch. Press there and it bloomin hurts ;-)

aliboo70 profile image

Sorry to hear that GF :( Glad you have a diagnosis but i can imagine how frustrated you are :( But you are in good company on the IC with Poppy and co to keep your spirits up, big hugs to you and Rico x

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Thanks aliboo one big party on the IC at the moment hope it's not for long

Toonlou24 profile image

Oh no. Am so sad to hear that. I was hoping you were on the mend after your last post. Must be so frustrating when you were doing so well. Strong message in there about not over doing it. I'm listening!!! I'm getting these odd little pains in my shins so having more rest days than normal. Just every now and again. Nothing major and not when I run. It's weird. Hoping i won't be joining you in the injury couch in the nicest possible way. Keep your chin up GF. X

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Toonlou24

Hope you don't join me too Lou. I thought I was going to be ok but the pain is back so I needed to get it sorted

AncientMum profile image

Oh no GF, thought you were more or less mended. This wreched IC is full to busting at the moment. Good thing you got advice from the physio before you did any more damage. These four runs a week plans do seem to be producing several casualties at the moment. Patience m'dear, patience, you'll be back out there again soon :) Sending a big hug and a slice of chocolate cake

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Thanks Epicmum lovely cake, everone likes cake. Now I know what it is I can sort it

old_git profile image

Sorry to hear your bad news GF. Hope you are on the mend soon.

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to old_git

Thanks OG

runswithdogs profile image

Ack. That's awful GF. I'm sorry this injury is taking the wind from your sails. Hopefully the exercises fix you right back up. Can you cycle outdoors as well to at least enjoy the fresh air? Can Rico run while you cycle?

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to runswithdogs

I could cycle outdoors but probably safer on the indoor especially with Rico as he would probably get tangled in my pedals ;-)

carole01 profile image

Oh no! and theres me going on about my knee! I bought a ultrasound machine because I really didn't have much faith in the Physios (As an ex med professional) and it is working a treat! Good old Ebay!I know you will have been given an exercise regime but you may still want to take a look at this: Won't do any harm in your current ic mode. All the best!

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to carole01

Thanks for the link Carole might have a go at that. Think the exercises will help

Northernspirit profile image

Oh no! Welcome to the couch but gutted for you. Such a tricky balance between enthusiasm, building stamina and looking after bits of the body that are not used to all this. My tendons playing up but a week of no running now and I feel closer to having a gentle run out in the next day or so. Good luck for a speedy recovery!

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Northernspirit

Thanks NS At least I know how to avoid it in future - too much enthusiasm and too little care of an ageing body don't mix

Zev1963 profile image

Sorry to read that you will be on the injury bench for a while. At least you know what it is now, and have a plan to get back to running.

I'm sure that it's a delicate balance between pushing to improve and pushing too hard and getting injured. I havnt had a running injury yet, but each twinge that I run through in achilles, calf or knee, I wonder if it's going to put me on the bench.

It must be so frustrating after you have made such great progress. I'm sure you'll be back out there soon.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Zev1963

Yes thanks Zev. Watch that achilles I have a friend who snapped his and that is definitely to be avoided

Zev1963 profile image
Zev1963Graduate in reply to GettingFitter

Snapped it, my god that sounds terrible. Aaaaaaggggghhhh :(

I'm thinking it might be time for new shoes. My current Brooks Ghost 7s have around 600km on them now. I've read that a sign of them getting worn out is achy feet and legs. I have a new pair waiting so I think I'll try them on Sunday and see if they feel different.

Sorry to hear that, but at least you definitely know what it is now and have a strategy to deal with it. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to

Thanks henpen all the positive vibes on here should have me back running quickly

Irishprincess profile image

Oh no GF! What an absolute bu**er. Blimey, who IS running these days? Be good and follow the physio's instructions and plan your new routes for when you get back. Take care.

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

My thoughts too IP. Lots of people visiting the injury couch but hopefully others can learn the lessons (that I didn't) and not push too hard too soon.

hilbean profile image

Oh damn! Just when we all thought you were back out there again :( At least you now know what it is so hopefully it will be the weeks rather than months scenario for you. I think we all feel your frustration. Too many people on that injury couch now, so here's wishing you and everyone else a speedy recovery. Now that there's a good gaggle on there don't get too comfy!! We all need you out there and running with us. :)

It's starting to feel a little lonely out here!

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to hilbean

Thanks Hilbean. It's great seeing new people coming through the programme and also reading graduate runs but we all know we'd rather be running than reading ;-) Have a run for me and the rest of the IC crowd

hilbean profile image
hilbeanGraduate in reply to GettingFitter

Certainly will :)

misswobble profile image

time will heal it. Eat healthily to support you through your recovery. you'll soon be back out there GF

I'm so sorry thay your running has been curtailed as things were going so well.

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to misswobble

Thanks MW. A temporary setback I hope and that's jantastic stuffed too.

Runon profile image

Hey GF - I'm sure you'll be back pounding the beat sooner rather than later. I bought a push bike a few weeks ago to help fill in the between run gaps (BRG's as Miles would say) and whilst it is not quite the same as running it can be great fun and also get you out and about. :)

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Runon

Yes I will have to pump up my old mountainbike tyres and take it for a spin but my new (to me) exercise bike is clocking up a few miles now

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to GettingFitter

Excellent - just try to get back to the running as soon as it's safe to do so!

Curlygurly2 profile image

Oh no :-( that's terrible news... it was all going so well too...I'm so sorry xxxx

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Thanks curly - thought I'd fixed it but no. More stretching required

Vixchile profile image

So sorry about your injury!! A couple of weeks and you will be back out there, its very frustrating but take as long as you need. I cycle to gym and even cycle in the gym if i am not running - good chance to catch up on some reading while pedalling away. Get better soon

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Hadn't thought of reading so will have to try that too. Thanks Vix

Burstcouch profile image

Poor you, it must be very frustrating. However, if your in pain there is no point making things worse.

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to Burstcouch

I know but you think it doesn't hurt too much and then you run and then think oh b*gger now it hurts lots. Better to get it fixed ;-)

Burstcouch profile image
BurstcouchGraduate in reply to GettingFitter

totally agree, lots of patience and rest for you then.

LisaGuy-Cowes profile image

Definitely think some advice about not over doing it on NHS site would be good. I graduated last week, tried the stamina program. Then my led hurt, didn't go away, so stopped, but had long walk home, with very tight pain above ankle.... might be popping to doctor to get outcome. Hoping it won't put me out for too long. Hadn't run further, but maybe faster ( little bit)

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to LisaGuy-Cowes

Yes it's the problem of having a new skill you just want to do it more and more. Hope you get your leg sorted

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