last year I had a MUFC tattoo even though I'm a City fan for the charity when you wish upon a star and raised more than people doing marathons, I was quoted as saying "I'm not in shape to run a marathon" in fact I was 19 stone and a proper heart attack case, couch25K changed my life, am starting with the Manchester 10K which I've trained way beyond with a view to doing a half marathon and then the big one next year. Don't have to look to far for motivation as my daughter is part of the "when you wish charity" so what keeps you all going?
What's your motivation?: last year I had a MUFC... - Couch to 5K
What's your motivation?

I started after my Mum passed as I wanted to do a triathlon in her name. I did that last year. What keeps me going is I love it. I am doing a half marathon this year and 2.5km swim all with a little money going to their respective charities. In 12 years time I want to a big one. Either a 1/2 Iron Man or a 50km run/walk and raise a lot of money for charity for my 60th. I had a look at the when you wish, what a lovely charity. Best wishes to you and your family.

Goodness that was dedication to your cause. I imagine a lot of people were happy to sponsor you for that. Is it hidden away?
No haha it's right on my forearm lol, there's a video on you tube and if u google Chris Worthington United tattoo it should come up haha

Running has changed my life. I have a personal, non work related goal that I never had before and something that is mine and mine alone. I am not going back to pre-running overweight Rob. I like the new me. I am fitter than I have been since I was 14 years old and I just love being this way. The only person that can stop me running is me and I have no intention of stopping.
Identify with that Rob, it's a great feeling isn't it?

My motivation was talking to a guy in a bar who was telling me about his father dying when he was 28, he was angry that his father never got to see him marry or to meet his grandchildren, he missed his Dad so much it was right there like raw emotion.
His Dad had been a heavy smoker and 4 st overweight and had died of a heart attack in his 50's. As we were talking it suddenly dawned on me that the age gap between him and his Dad was the same as the difference between me and my Son. All of a sudden I was hearing my little boy as a man telling people how much he missed me, I realised I might never get to see him get married, see his kids, watch him live his life and all because of cigarettes, food and wine. It was like 'the future' was right there sitting in front of me, he is an only child and I am a single parent, how could I ever risk leaving him?!
So I gave up smoking, started the diet and took up the C25K, I am determined to live a very long and healthy life so I can live in his house, be a cantankerous old biddy and spoil his kids rotten That's what I think of when it gets hard going.

My motivation for starting was a race I had signed up for with some colleagues, prior to ever running. The fear of not completing that kept me going.
Now I like what running can do for me physically- I can go hiking for longer and faster. My head feels clear after a run, it's great stress relief. And I really like pushing and competing with myself. To see how far I can take it. It's funny - I was the disinterested kid in P.E. that wasn't great at any sport and hated being pushed to try harder.
Love the tattoo story by the way. That's brilliant.
I'm not easily impressed, but your HAVE impressed me. I feel humbled.
If you can, please watch 'running for my existence' on Youtube.
Yeah your kids can be a great motivator, would hate to go early and not to have at least tried to do something about it, think booze can be a big demotivator if that's even a word, I stopped drinking when I started running and feel so much healthier, love hearing these stories they are heartwarming x

Fantastic, well done you.... My motivation is to be able to run and run and keep going, and to motivate others to run and feel good about themselves ( I'm a simple girl). And that is a great charity...well done you