I just wanted to say a great big well done to all the new runners here who've obviously started C25K as their New Year's resolution and made it to week 3...you're amazing for getting out there for the first time in this bitterly cold weather, I'm sure I would have waited until it warmed up a bit!
New runners: I just wanted to say a great big... - Couch to 5K
New runners

I agree they are doing so well. I am looking forward to having a very busy time as all the graduation badges start coming through.
Couldn't agree more Curly any one starting deserves a huge pat on the back and our admiration especially with some of the weather we have had lately .. bliddy cold out there !!

Absolutely. That takes guts!

I started C25k in June and had months of warmth and daylight to enjoy my start to running, so I respect those who start at this time of year. They are either mad or desperate....but well done all of you!

Welcome to all the new runners, and a big well done from me too. It's an amazing program and can be life-changing; you'll be so glad you gave it a go.

Oh how lovely of you Curly to post this , hear hear and a big cheer for all the new runners !
Never give up, Never give in, you can do it ! xxx
Thanks all of you for the words of encouragement. Yes it was a bit of a New Years resolution with the goal being to take part in the Race for Life this May. I don't 'do' exercise and as my Uncle was fond of saying; 'I am built for comfort, not for speed' and yet I found myself up early this morning before the family was awake to do W3R2! And yes, some days it has been Bliddy Cold!!

Amen, brothers and sisters. Amen!

Great Post

Hear hear!
Good luck to all you newbies, keep on running
Well said! Well done to all the newbies! I guess I can be classed as only slightly mad having started C25K in October when it was a bit warmer and not waiting until the New Year, lol! Don't give up! You CAN do it

Bravo Curly, a sound post! ** round of applause**
I did my 1st week in on jan 5th 2014, so keep on going you can do it!

Started in the warm and it was soooo much easier to get motivated, so big cheer to anyone starting now in the grey, cold gloom.
Good news is, by the time you get to run 3 week 9 the weather will be warmer with bluer skies
and you'll be running with firmer bums and lovely thighs
(be afraid Poet Laureate ).

Here here, well said Curly.
I would like to add my welcome, well done and keep it up - it's so worth it xx

Thanks everybody I started on the 5 January 2015. This mark a special event as although my career in the forces is over. "Pensioner now lol" I joined on the 5 January, 28 years ago