I am trying this again as I gave up last time on wk6 or 7 can't remember. It is well over a year since I gave up.I have been putting it off as I was a bit scared I wouldn't manage it but to my surprise I did the first two runs on wk1 very comfortably. I just hope I can keep my motivation up this time but I felt SO good when I finished each run. Fingers crossed.
Another attempt.: I am trying this again as I... - Couch to 5K
Another attempt.

Focus on that feeling. The good feeling of satsifaction when you have achieved something you didn't think you could do. 'cos this programme is going to take you places you never thought would be possible. And of course, post regularly and let us all cheer you on - it makes a big difference

Well done for giving it another go. We're all rooting for you!

Good luck! Pester us for happy vibes if the going gets tough! xx
hi , welcome and well done for getting back out there that is alway sthe hardest bit,starting
so you have done that now ,it is all down hill
kinda i hope ...
Just imagine those feelings at the end of each run and how amazing it would feel to finish week9 run3
keep at it
we are all behind you

Do you know why you gave up last time? A lot of this is mind as well as body so just imagine us lot with you every step of the way urging you on. You'll probably find it easier this time as your body will remember! Well done and good luck.

Thanks for all the good wishes. I remember all the great comments last time and it really does help so thanks guys.

I have just signed up for the "Race for Life" in Southport in June. I am doing this as my best friend has only days to live with lung cancer. Hopefully she will be with me in spirit when I do it.