... Was trying to keep this 5K shenanigans quiet from Speedy George, for no other reason than vanity really. I wanted to bound around my first Park Run like a gazelle and go, "Ta-Dah!"
It didn't feel right though, so I let slip in Intersports, when we were snaffling up some footy boots for Youngling George. And in a minute he's coming with me to get trainers. And we can save on washing powder as I don't have to hide my kit! Ha ha haaaa. So I snuck in a cheeky extra walk-trot around Preston Park while he ran up to the Dyke to train for the Brighton Half. When he came back the youngling wanted to do 5K so out they went. Speedy George said, "Check us out, the Fit Family!" which is hilarious, and something I never thought I'd hear, given my capacity for Shiraz and Terry's Chocolate Orange and the Youngling's ability to glue an x-box to his face for 5 hours... Good Times.