To much or not enough : Went back to Run/walk... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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To much or not enough

35 Replies

Went back to Run/walk 2:1 mins tonight - Runkeeper says 6.11KM 40.08 mins , some interesting splits ranging from 8.27km/h to 10.06 km/h . the trick would be able to run at that pace for a 30min 5k. one day :) Another cold winters night though ,luckily beat the rain :D :D but my fingers were nealry numb must wear my gloves DOH

One thing i keep asking myself is am i doing enough,am I trying to much , i dont think I am but I am considering having Saturday off just to let my body have a longer break, i say taht now but come saturday morning i probably wont :D

35 Replies
AndyD profile image

Rob... you are running 3 times a week so that's enough!! I know that we all (me included) want to run faster or further but I think we need to remember what we are doing this for and not get hung up on times too much.

Hopefully during your run your heart & breathing rate increased... something that wouldn't have happened lying on the couch with fag in your hand :-) I think we are still "newbies" to this running lark, so lets both keep getting out there and running for the fun of it!!

Keep warm mate :-)

in reply to AndyD

Thanks Andy , you are right :D :D

heart rate amd breathing definitely increased :D

You keep warm to Andy :D

useitorloseit profile image

I know exactly what you mean Rob - I sometimes feel I'm not pushing myself enough, then other days I feel completely dead! Like Andy says, the bottom line is we're getting out there 3 times a week, which is 3 times a week more than we used to and more than most folk do, so we should be proud of what we do and I don't know about you, but this weather isn't exactly inspiring. Perhaps in the spring we'll all get a metaphorical kick-up and start running further and faster. For me, I'm just happy to be alive and out there every now and then. I just lost another friend way too young - MND this time - and it makes me thankful for all the wonderful things I CAN do and not worry about the things I can't.

in reply to useitorloseit

Thanks useit :) sorry to hear about your friend :( You are right we should be thankful for what we can do and very proud of what we have all have achieved :D

It is always hard this time of year dark in the morning and dark in the afternoon almost now but still loving being out there :D while people drive home passing me :D :D

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to

He's in a better place now and it's not a nice illness so I'm glad his suffering is over :) Goodness, I really am the angel of death at the moment, aren't I?! Note to self: cheer up and stop being such a miseryguts! Had the Christmas songs on in the car today. Up to my eyelashes in mince pies in the kitchen. Tree going up at the weekend. Hurrah for Chrimbo!

in reply to useitorloseit

It is always a tough time when you lose someone no matter who or why .. ...Any sausage rolls going? my fav's :D Got my tree and lights up last weekend ,my son was supposed to be helping hmmm watching more like :D

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to

My son's just had his last GCSE mock today, so we'll be into festive frenzy from now on. I think maybe White Christmas tonight .... I'll just pop down and get another mince pie now ... I can run it off in the morning ...

in reply to useitorloseit

haha that is what i said when i had a celebration at work today :D Polar express is me and my son fav :D saving that for christmas eve :D

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

I love that film, you can never watch it too many times in my opinion, its fab :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

when my son 1st got it he watched about 4 or 5 times a day :D xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

Ha ha , yep great film :-) xxx

Slookie profile image
SlookieGraduate in reply to

I did the same with Bridget Jones. Husb now has autoreflex gag when the theme tune comes on.

in reply to Slookie

It is more a girly movie :D

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to

Polar Express is our big one on Christmas Eve too. We LOVE that film. We saw it in Canada in 2004 and bought a proper sleigh bell there which goes on our tree every year - the first gift of Christmas! We Believe! x

in reply to useitorloseit

Indeed it is :-D

ju-ju- profile image

wow, you are really on a roll...well done, sounds fun :)

in reply to ju-ju-

thanks Juicy , it was fun and harder ,certainly knew i had been out :D hope your week has gone wells so far :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to

I haven't run since sunday, I have been exhausted from work and life, but planning a run to work tomorrow :)

in reply to ju-ju-

i am not surprised with the miles you put in :) hope it is a good run in for you :D

Tikiczocky profile image

As another recent grad, I know exactly what you mean, Rob...but, I've found I have grown into my running recently. I've been running every other day, but this week decided to lay off a bit & do 2 weekday 30 min runs (which gets me to around 4.3k) & one longer duration run at the weekend that has a distance goal (7k furthest in 54.5 mins, so far) - slowly building to 10k!

I've had a string of days when I have been pushing my pace every day to try to speed up, but ran 'for fun' for the first time this bpm to pound to, no pace goal to beat, just the garmin (which I love) beeping out my intervals (60:30 today...I like that one)!

So, what Useit said, I agree...lucky to be alive and out there in the fresh (bloomin' freezing and squally at times) air. We've all come such a long way from that first day...I expect my improvement to be so gradual that it's hardly noticable on the day to day/week to week...not wishing our time away, but I can't wait to see how far/fast w can go on our crazy running anniversaries!! :D

in reply to Tikiczocky

wow you are doing reat Tiki :D well done to you , again you are right we have all come a long way in a relatively short period time :D I guess I am being a little hard on myself, if i do something I have to do it well :D

maybe a saturday off wont be such a bad thing :D

Tikiczocky profile image

Hard, probably...not satisfied with delivering half as only full will do, definitely! That's me, you too, eh?,...bloomin' all or nothing!! Enjoy that rest day...if you do rest, that is... ;-)

in reply to Tikiczocky

thanks Tiki you too :D

Realfoodieclub profile image

I am on 2:1 at the moment and I came back from a 7km run today. This time last year I was struggling to run 3.2km in 30 min. It did me in for days and my body was wrecked from it. Today I came back raring to go for the rest of the day and looking forward to my next run on Saturday. My point is it took me ages to stop beating myself up over this. I burned over 500kcal today and did nearly and hours worth of exercise outdoors. That's got to be good for me, so what if I run walk I actually do that faster than trying to run non stop and my body loves it, I have just come on so much since I have been kind to myself. Eventually I will run constantly but I am slow burner and need to be graduated with TLC to get the best out of this battered body. Give yourself a pat on the back your doing great. Acknowledge your achievements.

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

You sound just like me, but I'm still at the former stage. I can do about 4k in 30 mins, and I'm very proud of that. I am sure if I keep going out doing it, I will improve.

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Right now I am doing a plan that has me running easy for 30 minutes on one day , long and easy on another day and one day of tempo intervals type runs of 3x1miles with one minute between miles and on another day , 6x1K also with one minute in between each K. These runs are at a pace about half a minute slower than my best 5K pace .

I must admit that I seem to have lost the art and the will to run 5K non-stop!!! I will stick with the plan for the next 4 months - then we go overseas for 2 months, so I am planning on starting a run/walk half marathon plan after our return. I find that I cover the ground more quickly using run/walk that just running non-stop. It is really only my involvement with parkrun that is "sort of" forcing me to run 5K non-stop - I can't say that I really enjoy it!!

in reply to Bazza1234

I havent quite got my head around those type of runs ,tempo etc .. I would say that run/walk does seem to make sense . i seem to cove rmore ground but not sure i could do it every run

in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thanks :) i am still finding my way , what works what doesnt etc .. waiting for spring to decide on a definite path to take

S_J_B profile image

Sounds like you're doing brilliantly to me :)

Jo55 profile image

I think what a lot of us, me included, have forgotten is that this running lark is also suppose to be enjoyable and not just about PB's in distance and time. There is also that little problem of the weather which I am Sure makes running harder. Come spring, when we are no longer fighting the wind and the cold, I am sure a lot of us will suddenly find ourselves running faster and further. Well done On getting out there, that is the most important thing.

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to Jo55

I take my hat off to anyone starting C25K in this weather. I started in June and graduated in October, and that was a very pleasant experience weatherwise. I think you have to be some kind of determined to battle through the winter weather during those early weeks - very impressive - I think I would have given up and sat by the fire with a large glass of mulled wine rather than suit up and slog round with Laura in the rain and wind!

in reply to useitorloseit

no not sure i would like to be starting it now :) it is only cold and wet mostly :D

in reply to Jo55

thanks Jo :D so far the weather hasnt been bad enough to deter me :D

GettingFitter profile image

Fantastic well done Rob. Just listen to your body. If you do too much it will let you know. I aim for 3 times a week but sometimes have to do 4 as it is great fun. family film in our household The Grinch - my kids watched it constantly in florida in the height of summer but also at Xmas. Also Home Alone. My favourite Kellys Heroes or the Great escape not very christmassy but films from my childhood ;-0

in reply to GettingFitter

ooh the grinch is a good choice too :D

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