Just got back from wk9r2 and though it was tough going, not just because of the dark, I ran for 30 mins but I am nearly a kilometre short of 5k. Feeling very disappointed that graduation on couch to 5k is looking more like couch to 4 and a bit k . Any tips for my final run ? 🥴
Not getting near enough to 5k: Just got back... - Couch to 5K
Not getting near enough to 5k

I'd say just do the 30 mins and dont stress about the 5k... if you set out fast and push too hard you risk not being able to keep the pace up. If you're doing over 4k in your 30 mins you will only need to add a few minutes over the next couple of weeks and you'd be at 5k. Then maybe you could look at upping the pace slightly down the line?..
Thank you Parky88 , 5k feels a long way off right now.

Only about 10% of graduates get to 5K at run 3 of week 9, I got to 4.5k on my graduation run, my first full 5k was 34.24 several months after I graduated, so don't worry about not getting to 5k, good luck for your graduation run 🏃🏾 👍
Ok thanks for that, I assumed I was in the minority and most people run 5k by wk 9.
Took me another 5 months to do 5k in 30 minutes
Not at all. AlMore is exactly right - 10% or so. And some of us aren’t ever likely to be that quick. 😄 Running is still great fun and great for you, whatever your pace. I’m on my way to 10k now but I’m an “older runner” 🤣 and will never do 6 mins per k! Still a lot faster than anyone still on the couch....

You are doing really well. The programme is called c25k as it's catchy. You are actually just aiming to run 30mins. If you start fit and healthy you have a chance of reaching 5k but very many on here dont reach it. Think of it as a great thing to aim for during your consolidation weeks. Count up the total hours you've actually run over the 9 weeks. Only in the last 2 have you been doing longer times. Celebrate the fact you are managing 30mins, slow down a bit so it's not so tough and settle in for enjoyment. If you enjoy running you have the rest of your life to move up to 5k, 10k etc. Enjoy

Thank you, 5k will be my next goal then after graduation 🤞
That’s a good aim, you’re really not far away from it. Many C25k graduates then move on to 10k, HM, marathon once they’ve consolidated for a little while.
Has anyone suggested parkrun yet? You could do it on Saturday for your graduation run (include the warm up walk at the start, and then any remaining distance in the warm down) and then you’ll have covered 5km at the same time. Plenty of people run/walk or even fully walk it, and it’s a great habit to get into as a motivator.
Good luck with the whatever comes next!

It’s probably no help at all but I completed Couch to 3k and thought I was doing well! That was at the end of August and I’ve only just managed to do a 5k trot! So don’t be too despondent - it really sounds as though you’ll be able to get to 5k before too long! Good luck and happy running!

Forget about 30 minute 5k for now. Go for 30 minutes first, then build up to 5k NOT by going faster but by running for longer. If you add three minutes a week to your long run you'll be past 5k by week 11 or 12 at your current pace as you'll be just over 36 minutes from what you say. (The advice is usually to lengthen only one run a week, keeping the other two at 30 minutes). Once you have the endurance to run 5k, which you will have sooner than you think, then you can decide whether your next priority is to run faster or run further. Don't try to improve your distance and your speed at the same time, focus on one or the other and until you can run 5k your focus needs to be lasting the distance.

Some of us are not running 5k yet after graduation! Don’t stress. Enjoy your 30 mins!! You can up the pace gradually in the consolidation runs after 9:3

Thanks for the helpful advice. I was really disappointed with myself but lots of positive comments on here make sense🙂

Although it's c25k it should really be c2 30 minutes. As long as you're completing the 30 minutes that's really all that is asked of you. Not many people actually reach 5k by the end of the 9 weeks. Do you remember wk1 and how 60 seconds of running felt . You should be so proud of yourself. Well done you 😊

Nah dont worry, I was at about. 3,7km, you’re doing great

Another one here who didn’t do 5k in 30 minutes. I was at around 3.5k when I graduated in July.
After several weeks co solo dating I’m now doing the C25K stepping stones podcasts to up my pace and enjoying that.
Like others have said, you’re faster than all those still on the couch, so well done to you.
Running for 30 minutes is pretty terrific when you consider how far you’ve come since week 1.

Distance doesn’t matter time does, just enjoy running speed comes later

Well... you’re 4km further than you were in 30 minutes a couple of months back... which is what this plan is really about. You’re running for 30 minutes... that is increasing your fitness, health and life expectancy each and every time. Most of us (like 85-90% of us) don’t get to 5k on the plan... and it doesn’t matter one bit. When you run 5k for the first time, it’s no less a distance in an hour than it would be in 20 minutes... it’ll all come. Be proud of what you are achieving and don’t worry about a statistic that won’t change your life. Enjoy your running.

Hey Jogonton ...I have been a graduate of C25k for a couple,of years and I haven’t managed 5k in 30 mins either..am I bothered? Nope! Do I enjoy my runs? Mostly...enjoyment is what it’s all about and if you’re still consolidating what does it matter? You might get there but you might not..yet,....the most important thing is that hopefully you’re enjoying your running...sub 30 might come in time, just be patient x

The plan is to actually get you running for 30mins consecutively very few who complete it first time run a 5k in 30. Complete your course then when you consolidate your runs so that you can confidently run for 30mins you can work on speed and pace to reach that magic 30. Don't be disheartened you are doing great 😃

So good to read the replies to your post! I’m just starting W9 and at about 4K and like you I thought most people were doing 5K at graduation. So relieved!!
I'm a relative newbie to all of this (I'm only in the middle of Week 2 so far) and wish I'd found & read the posts on here before I started my running. I struggled like hell in week one as I couldn't even manage the 8 x 60 second runs, but once I'd posted about this on here and received loads of really helpful replies I realised that the C25K title is a little misleading as the end result is to run at any speed for 30 minutes (and if you're quick enough, you will cover 5K). I wouldn't say that I now find it easy but I have slowed my running pace and completed R2W2 this morning. I now also feel quite happy to have readjusted my mindset about completing the course. I now know that there will be nothing to be ashamed of if this takes me longer than 9 weeks (which I am sure that it will), nothing to be ashamed of if I don't run 5K in 30 minutes when I'm on week 9 (which I am sure that I won't), and nothing to be ashamed of if I have to repeat weeks (or even drop back one) if I am struggling. I plan to complete the course as soon as I can (but without being stupid, pushing to hard and hurting myself) because I must have a challenge and achievements, and when I can (finally) run for 30 minutes (which seems like a lifetime away at the moment), I will then decide if my next goal is to be able to run further in that time (and attain 5K), or if I would prefer to be able to run further. I know how happy I am to find I'm able to run stints this week 30 seconds longer than last week, I cannot imagine how good I will feel when I can run for 30 whole minutes without stopping!

I agree with everyone else, don’t worry too much about the stats, unless of course you’re planning on competing. Otherwise just enjoy getting fit. I started in March this year and like most people at graduation I was able to run 5K but certainly not within 30 minutes. Looking back at my app, I seem to be doing 5K in around 40 minutes even at this stage. I’m not really interested in the time so much, I’m aiming to do 4 miles each run which I’m managing quite happily. Good luck and enjoy!
no tips, but I would be very pleased with myself.

All I can say is that C25K is a catchy but not very helpful title! You’ll get there. We all do.

Don't fret it. I did about 4.2k at graduation back in May. My first 5k a few days later was was 39:23. 5 months, 40 x 5k runs and 12 x 10k runs later, I finally went under 30 minutes for 5k for the first time tonight.
Get to 30 minutes then build to 5k and then worry about chipping away at your PB. The key is just to enjoy your running; distance and speed will improve with experience.

Just do your final run like the others you have done and celebrate completing the programme. As others have said, it's really about running for 30 minutes, not 5K. You can build up the distance later. Well done - you're almost there!

Thanks so much for asking this question. I am only on week 2 but having read all the answers to your post I now know that it is very unlikely that I will be able to run 5k at the end of 9 weeks so will modify my ambition of a New Year park run and be ready to build up to 5K after graduation. Maybe a park run at Easter is more realistic.
Well, another option is to keep to your original idea but include a bit of walking if you’re not at 5K of running by then. Many people include their warmup walk at the beginning, for example. And you don’t have to do your Parkrun in 30 minutes for sure!
Thanks, yes, that is a good idea. Before I started C25K I had wondered if it was permissible to do a Park 'Run' as a 'power' walk - then I decided I should do C25K and run it, so I guess I could start with a combination and work up to a full run.
Have a look online at the times taken at your local parkrun, I hope to do my 1st next weekend 4 weeks after graduation and it will take over 30 mins but I see some regulars take 50 mins. I did a local 5k race the day after graduation 1600 people which was quite daunt8, again many came after 50 mins. The majority of runners at these events are there for the run, only a handful are racing eachother.

Most people don't get to 5k on graduation. In fact my W9R3 distance was only 3.5 km, so it sounds like you're already doing much better than me! I still can't do 5k in 30 minutes - best time so far (on a Parkrun) was 36:13, so in 30 minutes I'm still only just over 4k.
The way I look at is that the course gets you to being able to run continuously for 30 minutes, by which time you know how to pace yourself, and so have the ability to tackle 5k.