How many really are couch potatoes!! - Couch to 5K

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How many really are couch potatoes!!

Prettys073 profile image
18 Replies

Hi all, I'm just looking for a general survey here if anyone cares to participate! I weigh 189lbs and am currently on the last run of week 3. I was wondering if there are many similar people to myself that have started , are doing or have finished this program? Thanks!

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Prettys073 profile image
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18 Replies
Determined_flump profile image

Yup one here and a little bit more of the lbs to boot, all I can say is while I am yet to shed a few lbs my body shape has changed a lot, to the extent people at work have noticed .

So you are not alone

Prettys073 profile image
Prettys073Graduate in reply to Determined_flump

Thanks for the reply flump! Have you graduated? I am surprising myself each run but it's like a part of me still doesent believe this is possible due to my size !

Determined_flump profile image
Determined_flumpGraduate in reply to Prettys073

Hi pretty I did my w9r3 last night so I believe I got through the plan :0)

Just don't cut corners and follow the plan, share your achievements and grumbles here and you will so just fine

Prettys073 profile image
Prettys073Graduate in reply to Determined_flump

Yep u definitely completed it lol massive well done! I would absolutely love to be able to finish the program so that's the plan and there's no reason why I can't really just need to remember that

Good question! But lots of us were! I am currently 168 lb and only 5'2" so still a little more chunky than I should be! Weight has been an issue since my teens. But I've never been very sporty, I started C25K in June 2013, loved it, got hooked, put on weight, felt guilty, put on more weight, running got much harder.... Spiral down until end of sept when I took myself in hand. A week later I found that I have a place in the London marathon! So luckily I had started getting myself back on track, I never stopped running for longer than a few weeks tho. I have just completed my first half marathon, I'm now a regular at classes to compliment the running. Before I would do the odd fitness DVD but that's it!

This has been a bit of a ramble! Sorry! Today? This old spud is putting on her running gear shortly for 4.5 mile run to gym, body pump class (weights) and 1.5 mile walk home (collapse on sofa!) I'm hoping to get very fit and loose more of my excess mashed potato before marathon training starts in Jan.

Prettys073 profile image
Prettys073Graduate in reply to

Thankyou! All very encouraging. I've never considered myself to be a runner either - ever really ha but now I'm beginning to wonder if I was wrong. And the benefits of completing each run and being outside is immense for my mental health.

Vixchile profile image

I will put my hand up to being a total couch pot. Before i started i was so stressed with my job all i use to eat was sweets and ice-cream by the lorry load, washed down with diet coke this equalled me to pile on 1 stone and half in less than 6months and as i am five foot nothing this is alot- I have always had to be careful about my weight as i can pile it on far too easily. This was the heaviest i have ever been and having given up my gym membership years before i started c25K.

I started c25k to lose weight and i will say running hasn't made me lose any significant weight, my shape has changed. Since graduating i have done a couple of 10km races and love running outside something i have never done before as i always went to the gym. I found this programme very addictive and without the wise words of people on here i would have never have got to 10km in a million years going it alone.

However, I have learnt to truly slim down i need really look at what i am eating and for me personally i need to do some extra bits of exercise in the week. So i have totally dished the Diet Coke(on week 3), try to stay away from anything with sugar, cutting back on the wine and also looking what i am actually eating not what i think i am eating.

Good luck with your journey and you won't regret starting this!! Just be warned you might become additive to running.

ju-ju- profile image

My friend did C25k and graduated and she is 20 stone...she did struggle due to the pressure of on her joints, but she did it!! Good luck to yu, well done :)

BluebellRunner profile image

I'm 43 and very overweight, I was a couch potato! When I started C25k I put on a few pounds but by week 8 my joints were still sore so I decided I needed to lose a few lbs to help my poor legs. I download myfitnesspal and now log what I eat. I don't go over my daily allowance and don't use my exercise points either.

I've so far lost 6lbs in 4 weeks, running alone didn't help me lose weight I also had to eat better too.

Good luck!

in reply to BluebellRunner

I use my fitness pal as well, it's very useful to keep you on track- you have to own up to what you eat!

Prettys073 profile image

Thankyou for the replys everyone- consider me now suitably motivated! I really can't wait til I can get out on sat for that final week 3 run as it looks like the really hard work is night xx

misswobble profile image

I was 177 lbs and 5' 3" tall. I've lost 4 st now and am running 3 times a week

I was a total couch potato and had never done any exercise. I'd never, even run!

Thanks to C25k I can now run. In fact I can't stop running!

You can do this too. Anyone can!

kmcniece profile image

Week 8 complete and I doubt I've lost any if the 180 or so lbs. Think my shape might have changed a little bit though. I'm definitely fitter, but diet needs a serious overhaul to deal with the weight loss for me I think. Running seems good motivation to do it though. Good luck!

Ballanty profile image

IAM on week 5 to yes I was a couch potato but doing this that's changed me I weigh the same but it's not the weight I feel happy now IAM running if a miss a few days I feel really low

Janet50 profile image

I am 161lbs and 5ft 2 and not done much exercise prior to starting the C25K programme. I have just completed the first run of week 4 which I found quiet hard. So far am a bit disappointed to have not really list any weight but will try my fitness pal that others have mentioned here.

GoogleMe profile image

I spent most of my life in bed before C25K.... being a couch potato is an aspiration! I fell asleep catching up with Autumnwatch on iPlayer yesterday over my tea, woke up and complained about staying up far too late and my husband gently pointed out it wasn't yet 7.15pm.

C25K has not, alas, changed the need to spend most of my life in bed (so it shows that my illness was not all about extreme unfitness or faulty attitude). But it has undoubtedly reduced the risks - it has been a tool in getting from obese to healthy weight and toning up.

Exoctick profile image

Oh I am 205 lbs I have just finished week 1 day 1 yesterday

neptune24 profile image

Started C25K weighing in at 14 stone at 5'6". I now weigh 12 stone and my body shape has changed.

My husband says my body looks at least 13 years younger. Feeling good....

Not what you're looking for?

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