I've noticed something now I am running in more populated places, I.E. city pavements, that when I need to pass someone walking it seems to take me a while to catch up with them, but when I pull out to pass them I absolutely motor past...then I slow back down to my normal stumble....is this a mental thing? I'd really like ALL my running to be smooth and efficient like that...
Overtaking pedestrians: I've noticed something... - Couch to 5K
Overtaking pedestrians
I do that too I think the pedestrians rather slow down in awe at the mighty running prowess being displayed
What Tanyag said :0)
Yes I know what you mean!!! Perhaps run in crowds for an elbow nudging PB??
Yeah I found that too! I came out of a cut to join a path once just as two people were walking past with their dog! That was the fastest k I did when I looked at the stats!!! Was amazing!! Just had to get past and out of sight!! Quick!!!!
I know just what you mean and I'm sure it is psychological cos is usually accompanied by a little surge of escaped superiority as you overtake cos you are running and they are just walking. I know it's wrong to feel superior, but quite frankly I don't often get the opportunity and you have to take it where you can
I suppose it's fartlekking but we call it overtaking pedestrians
That's great. It shows that you have something "left in the tank". I've also noticed that most people don't hear me coming up behind them and then they look surprised when I overtake them. This makes me smile because I always thought I was quite noisy but it seems I'm not!
Yep it's fartlekking!
what the heck is fartlekking lol yup i have done it too if you got it flaunt it
Yes totally!!! I see someone walking & think I'll soon be on them, but it takes ages!!! Then when I finally catch up I zip round somehow. Don't know what that's all about but it feels really good for those mere 30 seconds or so