Very very happy. Just ran my first full 5k since the 8th July and, best of all, my knee feels -well it feels nothing! It feels exactly like it did before I went out -like a normal knee- and that is the best feeling ever. All that time on the injury couch, all Lovely James the physio's hard work and all those quad exercises have paid off. I'm back to 5k again! But, I'm absolutely convinced that the thing that's caused it all to come together is the gel insoles I got at the weekend. Honestly, £7 for cheapo Dunlop gel insoles has completely changed how running feels. I'm springing along like Skippy the Bush Kangeroo now, with no jarring to my joints as I run along the concrete and uneven footpaths. I don't know if you're supposed to put them on top of the normal insoles in your trainers but there was room in my shoes if I slackened off the laces, so I did. It's amazing. I'm a very happy bouncing running bunny.
Gotta love a gel insole: Very very happy. Just... - Couch to 5K
Gotta love a gel insole

I'm a big gel insole fan too. I developed shin splints shortly after graduating - took a while off - and started back again with the insoles and so far no problems *touch wood*. I'm not quite back up to 5K yet but I'm hopeful

How did you get them to fit inside the shoe?? I have purchased rubber insoles - that you cut to fit . They have been "OK" - but I have seen these gel insoles and wonder how they fit - they seem to be made to be a kind of "one size fits all" situation ( at least here , they do!!)
Hi Bazza, the ones I got came in either men's and women's fit and you just customise them by cutting them down to the size of your trainer insole. They're totally different to the rubber insoles you get (or at least to any rubber insoles I've ever seen) I reckon if you google Dunlop gel insole you'd find some in your neck of the woods. Mine were from Sports Direct. I've run on them twice- a short hilly 3k and then my 5k this morning. Both times my knee has felt great. Can't say praise them any more than that. Wish I'd got some ages ago when KittyKat first recommended them!
But I can't imagine HOW you can cut down gel insoles - rubber ones , yes!
Oh ok I'm with you now! The gel isn't all loose and floating about in like an insole-shaped bag. There's what feels like a cotton upper layer that goes next to your sock and then the lower layer is made of a type of non-tacky squidgy stuff, that compresses when you put pressure on it and so acts as a shock absorber. I've just taken mine out again and there are lines on them showing where to cut to fit different shoe sizes. I didn't see them though when I cut mine down. I just cut around the insole from my Mizunos. Hope this helps Bazza

Oh welcome back AncientMum. It's a fabulous feeling isn't it, getting back to where we were?
I don't know how your shoes have room for both insoles! I got the heat made ones and even with shoes a full size bigger couldn't keep both sets in! Mind you I've never worn them.
Enjoy your bouncing.
Hi Princess, You're so right, it does feel great to have reached 5k again!
As for fitting the gel insoles in on top of the trainer insoles, well the gels are softer than the heated up formed ones you get at Sweatshop. I think those ones are meant to replace the insoles that come with your trainers. I do have quite narrow feet though, which I guess does help with fitting the gels in on top of the others. I guess you could try replacing the normal insoles with gels if you can't fit them in. Who knows, perhaps that's what you're supposed to do! Happy running M'dear x

Wonderful progress ancientmum!

Hahaha oh I've missed you, Kat and your unique brand of advice. Mattress feet? Genius! Why did I never think of that?? Boinggggg
I did wonder if the gels lost their bounciness after a while but, as I'll be lucky to run 15k a week, I reckon they'll last me until my race in November. After that I'll decide what to do next, more insoles or new shoes. The memory foam insoles sound intriguing. Do they help oldies like me remember where their feet are, I wonder? lol xx

Kat I replied to you in the wrong place. My answer popped up below Teabreaks comment x

I can't tell you how happy I am to read that you're back at the swing of things and feeling good again. Welcome back, AM!

Whoa EM ! Fantastic news ! Oh I am so pleased for you, Well done Missus. Skippy's back in town
That really is brilliant news , you must feel like youre on top of the world. Well you will be if you put any more layers in your shoes ha ha
Its been such a frustrating time for you, a long, long road , but you have never faltered in your support of others on here. That makes you a superstar in my book and a very special lady , so don't you forget it
All the very best to you and heres to many more injury free miles , cheers !
" Happy feet, Ive got those happy feet , give them a low down beat ta dee da dum " xxx
Hahaha Thank you Pops, that's really kind of you. I'm still mentally bouncing about (but not enough to risk another session with Jillian!) Hummmm, I wonder... Could I fit 2 gel insoles in?
Actually, I think you are the official superstar lovely person on this forum because you make everyone laugh. I am happy to be one of your acolytes but I don't claim superstarness for myself. Now, enough of this mutual appreciation, how are you getting on with 'the plan' and are you still hobnobbing with the lovely Jillian?
Cheers m'dear. I've just raised a cup of tea in your direction x
Aw bless ya, you are so kind, thank you xxx
Yep Im still on "The Plan " but had to do a bit of jiggery pokery due to the adverse weather conditions last night , so I went tonight instead .
Im finding No More Trouble Zones very difficult to fit in as it is nearly an hour long. You can pick a particular zone ie arms, legs , tummy to concentrate on which are about 20 mins long but I think I prefer the Shred as it is a full body workout in about 20 minutes. So I have been doing the Shred and doing the longer one on a Saturday cos that's a non running day.
Phew ! Im tired after writing that, think I need a lie down
Oh EM, I am so pleased for you, you're back and up and at 'em, fab news ! xxx

Since April I have just been using a gel heel cup recommended by sports physio, but like you it seems to work and causes no harm. Glad you are back on track.

I got a pair of the £1 memory foam inserts for a pair of comfy shoes I've got. Not tried em out yet though. Might get a pair for my running shoes as I'm sure I'm beginning to feel the road through them

Fantastic news! There will be no stopping you now with those insoles, you will be zooming off everywhere now! Happy running, I am so pleased for you. See now you have these super insoles you will beat that car no problem now !

sorry! your right we should focus on this year !!

Nice to see you're back EpicMum and glad you're off the IC. Now off to Amazon to find these fabulous insoles

So good to read all the positive reports of gel insoles. When I was a nipper I worked in sports retail ( a proper sports shop owned by a squash pro ) and we sold so many of the Sorbathane insoles I was shocked (they are between £12 and £25. And we had lots of repeat sales for different shoes too.
Anyway so now I decide to start running at the age of 46 and am getting some shin pain whilst running. I've ordered some of the 'double strike' Sorbathanes which are moulded with a heel cup. They replace your shoe insoles. They also do a single strike one,which is flat and a heel cup too. Just in case anyone is interested.. I know they're expensive but a small price to pay to save pain I'm hoping.
Will report back after I've worn them. I'm on my third run tomorrow of week 1 and I doubt they will be here by then but maybe next week. I found them at a very good price at a new sports online store called Selo Online.