Was going to the gym to do my normal treadmill, run but my daughter wanted me to dye her hair.... time is precious, so I thought ok I will run on our home treadmill and save the traveling time to do her hair. Well even with the doors open the conservatory was hotter than I thought it was as I was dripping after the first 10 mins and the belt kept sliding, so it felt like I was running on the road hitting various black ice spots - on the second 10 min run I had to resort to a very fast walk in fear of coming out the back of the conservatory and not earning the £250 from you have been framed and walking around my house for the last 5 mins warm down.
It has knocked my confidence a bit and trying to decide if I repeat D2, but at the gym or just bite the bullet and go for another mission impossible and run for 25 mins tonight. After the euphoria of running for 20 mins last week and feeling on cloud 9 I have hit a needle as my bubble has burst. Also after all that did not do my daughters hair as she could not find the application brush grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Any advice would be great